Hey howdy hey, sunshine(s)!
Here are more dandy links! But first~~~
Did I ever mention how much I wanted to see dinosaurs in Japan?
(Beause Perth has none? Very few? Not sure...)
I wanted to see dinosaurs a WHOLE LOT. I got very excited about it.
In the end, it turned out there were no dinosaurs at the Osaka Science Museum (大阪市立科学館 Ōsaka-shi Ritsu Kagakukan), since it was full of hands-on sciency things, which was very fun! But no dinosaurs =(
And I never got around to going to the museum of natural history in Osaka where they did have dinosaurs, which was a shame.
The closer I got to the end of my stay, and the more I travelled with
marxipan_xlii after university finished, the more I realised how much I had never gotten around to doing (*´Д`)
So in the end, when I got to Melbourne I forced invited my friends to take me to come with me to the Melbourne Museum for the sole purpose of
T-rex was the best!
(Although my favourite dinosaur is Stegosaurus, but it wasn't there)
A parade of dinosaurs! Including one climbing up to the second story (・ω・)
A tiny (Mr. Tusks!) dinosaur running around with the non-tiny dinosaurs!
Apart from
stepping on houses, cars and women, T-rex likes to chase my friends!
And today I had moar adventures at Cottesloe's Sculptures By The Sea! I have photos, but they are still sitting on Shin-chan. For now, you can see me featured on the
Sakura Hotel, Ikebukuro's blog! With my trademark red "randoseru" v(* ̄▽ ̄*)
I tell you, if you want attention or a conversation piece in Japan, a randoseru is the way to go, way above dying half your hair pink or anything. Everyone, everyone, comments. Airport security, random strangers, teachers, friends, family friends of friends, hotel staff.....
On a completely unrelated note,
Are you guys reading
Scary Go Round / Bad machinery, by the way? It is charming and addictive, with quirky humour and illustrations. There are currently some dandy shirts and coasters on sale, and as someone who is a big believer in supporting your favourite artists, I am pimping them here. They feature mermaids and crusty sea dogs.
Yes, read the comic.
(Um, but beware, Scary Go Round will actually EAT YOUR LIFE FOREVER until you finish. And it will take a long time).
On another completey unrelated note, since I am all out of segue-s today (linguists! How do I pluralise that word?)
Ah, Micro$oft, you losers.
This is very cool.
Adopt a word!For charity! For reading! You can adopt a word for some moneys and help children become literate and educated. This is neat (゚∀゚) I think it was originally linked by Mr. Stephen Fry on tweetar (still experimenting with weird spellings...)
Imagine adopting spiffy or debauched or indubitably or nefarious or....
Another totally neat thing is this:
Myths!From various cultures. Re-told by a guy who writes (and talks on youtube) with a style like a cross between James B telling a story, and me rambling on this blog, times a billion. It's grand. And hilarious. And surprisingly thoughtful.
And now Cake is sleepy Cake, so the last link of the day is..........
photos of storm cloudsvia
narcolepticnemu from long, long ago.