(no subject)

Feb 07, 2006 22:05

I suppose im good a fucking things up. I need more motivation than i can give to do things that are asked of me sometimes.

I want to start eating better. healtier. not really that I think it will make me live longer, but I'm tired of feeling like shit all the time. and I suppose that I think if I eat better, I will feel better. makes sense to me. only problem is- I hate vegetables. and I also loathe cooking when it takes longer than 10 minutes. oh yes, and the fact that eating healthy costs more. I could probably eat mc donalds every meal for less than it would cost to eat healthy foods. thats sad. really sad. to that, i say fuck that shit. maybe society should do something about that. if they want to promote good health, they need to make it more feasable for everybody to afford it. make shitty food expensive. that makes more sense. just like cigarettes, it should be expensive to kill yourself. not expensive to try and feel better.

ive been confronted a lot as of lately by homeless people. they seem to think i have lots of money, and that i would be willing to give it to them. problem is, i dont have lots of money. another problem is, if i wanted to give it to them, i would find them and give it to them, not wait for them to ask me. the same guy has stopped me 3 or 4 times this week telling me to buy him a hot dog. not even politely. its sad that im even talking about this, because its ridiculous. but seriously, just because you dont have much money doesnt mean that you are void and null of all regular mannerisms. theres so many other homeless people who just sit quietly and mind their own business, not rubbing it in your face.

fuck, im an asshole.

a good week in april is to come- eisley/fair april 20th, saves the day april 23rd, and death cab for cutie april 28th. FUCK YES. im excited for that one.

dont be an asshole, i think i have the entire world covered for that one.
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