
Oct 13, 2005 18:11

A - Age of your first kiss: 18

B - Band you are listening to right now: Damien Rice

C - Crush: same as the past 2 and a half years

D - Dad's name: Bill

E - Easiest person to talk to: good question, does that mean easiest person to talk to who actually cares? or easiest person to talk to who acts like they care, but arent paying attention? because i cant really answer it for the first section.

F - Favorite ice cream: Orange Cream

G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears?: gummy worms

H - Hometown: Bonney Lake

I - Instruments: Umm...keyboard, accoustic guitar...bass

J - Junior High: Lakeridge

K - Kids: they would be fun to have around...not now though

L - Longest car ride: probably from here to anaheim

M - Mom's name: Christie Ann

N - Nicknames: If any, Jimmy

O - One wish: umm, to be satisfied with my life

P - Phobia: things around my neck..things in the not afraid of the dark, it just lets me think too much

Q - Quote: hmm..."One Death Is A Tragedy, A Million Deaths Is A Statistic" -Josef Stalin

R - Reasons to smile: good question

S - Scent: ? i like cinammon? apples?

T - Time you woke up today: 450am

U - Unknown fact about me: Ummm i like to buy ridiculous amounts of pants, but only wear about 2 pairs everyday....kinda boring, but i cant think of anything else

V - Vegetables you hate : just about all excluding corn, green beans, potatoes....and thats about it. carrots.

W - What you need luck with: my life

X - X-rays you've had: however many times theyve done it to me at the dentist's and once other than that.

Y- years since you've been to church: probably about 10

Z- Zodiac sign: Aquarius
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