Full event+Mun is a horrible person

Apr 27, 2011 13:15

PM didn't have any powers to lose, save the durability afforded her by her carapace. She didn't even notice that it was gone, though, replaced by normal skin, even as a bullet nearly avoided grazing her. Her mind wasn't even in this time to realize it, taken back to the last war she had seen, to the battlefield where she had lost everything.

She didn't remember how long it had been since she'd been there, or where she was now. All she knew was that she was being attacked. Her first instinct was to lunge, and she followed it, black sword slashing toward her assailant's neck. The soldier's head hit the ground, followed by the rest of his body, and the feel of warm blood on her face and arm only brought the memories back stronger.

From the way she was still holding that sword, approaching with caution was obviously wise, if you even dared approach at all.

series: ms paint adventures

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