Jun 21, 2006 12:54
You ask me, “Am I a good person?”
I respond with my own question. “What will you do today?”
“I don’t know.”
“What did you do yesterday?”
“About what?”
“About anything.”
“I don’t know.”
So that is my answer to you, “I don’t know.” How can you ask me to pay more attention to your life than you do? How do you expect me to answer such a heavy question with feathered facts and breezy disregard? You’ve never been in this world. You’ve strolled by, careless and senseless, whistling a tune that has no tempo and no structure and yet you wish to be measured. I ask, by what standard do you propose you be measured? In what day, at what time, do you suggest we pause the myriad lives and turn our attention to you to discern about you what you are unwilling to take the time to contemplate?
If only all of our lives were so fruitlessly easy. If only there were a person to whom I could turn and say, “Tell me who I am.” But I suppose that is reserved for your kind. For the ones who are pretty and nothing more or financially independent and nothing more or spiritually complete - and nothing more.
I’ll answer in this fashion; there are three sorts of creature in this world we can see with our naked eye. There are Givers, Takers, and Predators. The first two are no better than one another. Each being incomplete and relying on the existence of the other, these are partial and dependent sorts. The Predator though, it takes justly, not concerned with who or what possesses its need. It gives all that is not needed to provide for another and another and another, until it must take once more. You are none of these. You neither give nor take. You are already dead. You will simply be the carrion dragged back to the Takers by the Predator and they will falsely call you Giver because from your rotting, decayed, stinking carcass they will receive sustenance. This honor is flase -as is all honor- so it will go undetected while others like you exploit the opportunitty to mourn their own emptiness and anger at you leaving them with their own self-indulgent questions unanswered. The Predators will feast on the deception we breed because it is the breath of the Takers and cost us nothing. And in our feast we will analyze each morsel we devour to better understand you, so that we never become like you. So that we never become the walking, moaning, weeping dead.
So are you a good person? My sad, impotent inquisitor, you are not a person at all. You never reached out to claim it.