There was a huge storm reportedly about to wipe my home off the map so I thought I'd take some pictures for evidence that I was really here. As youc an see, hours have passed and here I am so jsut enjoy without the fear that you may lose me. i know you're all broken up. They're not very clear and the lighting looks dark but I used a flash. You can even see glare from it in two of these. BTW this was around 6pm in sunny South Carolina. Maybe that'll give you an idea of the degree of "them's some dark clouds" I'm talking about here.
This first one is right outside the house. You can see the power lines that run alongside the "highway". The tiny red glare is reflected off the car (I guess?) parked in the neighbors driveway. I told you I'm out in the boonies by myself.
See the treetop that looks like a man with a brimmed hat? That's the point of reference to watch. these are all taken within a few seconds of one another. I was only outside for 30 seconds or so. These clouds were in a hurry.
Pretty much the same pic but with more glare from the neighbors car. I assume it was the car because you can't see the hosue from here but I sometimes glimpse the cars on this side of the driveway.
This is the creepiest/prettiest one to me. You can see the sun fight for a last breath before the clouds swallow it whole. Maybe that'll give you an idea of how bright it still was when this started.