Doctor Who 6x01 The Impossible Astronaut

Apr 23, 2011 12:52

They're back! And once again I am live blogging from the animation lab, since downloading episodes is so very fast here, I never leave this building, and I do not have BBC America.

I actually forced myself to finish up some some camera work on my shot before pressing play, since I've gotten nothing done this morning (been taking care of a lot of lose ends, sending important emails, etc.)

Anyways, let's a go:

-WTF painting
- "Doctor who?" AHA!
- Well I guess that takes care of Elizabeth I
- Hmmm two month break, do I hear holes for aging and other companions and radio/comic stories?
- Why the heck did he make them fly the normal way when he could have given them a ride. Btw, where is the TARDIS?
- 1103! This makes me happy.
- I bet the Astronaut is The Doctor... or you know not.
- Regenerating.... at least this took care of that whole Who Will Die plotline early on.
- This episode is so weirdly paced, probably because its a two-parter.
- "Fish fingers and custard"
- Not the best Nixon look-a-like
- Yeah, I'm pretty sure he didn't know he materialized in the oval office.
- "The legs, the nose, and Mrs Robinson"
- Oh nice, they're having her remember something that we haven't been introduced to, so it's like it has been erased from our memory as well. And of course only Amy sees The Silence because he lived next to the crack for so long.
- Oh Americans, we just assume it's a Star Trek thing. And this why the Doctor hangs out with the Brits.
- Dementor! Dementor!
- Holy crap, she exploded.
- Matt is acting so weird right now... he's not the Doctor right now for me. Probably because I haven't seen him as the Doctor since I started and finished all of Classic. He's worn so many different faces since the last time I saw her.
- "Maybe because its cooler"
- Stupid innuendos get out of my show.
- The Silence in the underground; this show just went Buffy.
- Why the heck would River lie about seeing them... unless she forgot...
- It's weird that The Silence makes one feel nauseates... why is that?
- I actually liked that "Silence in the Library" bit.
- Other TARDIS alert.
- Two "Doctor Who?" jokes in one episode.
- Hmmmm but Amy wasn't the only one feeling sick.
- Wait, did Amy just kill her kid?

Okay the trailer for part 2:
- I find it really interesting how The Silence are, in a sense, the reverse of the Weeping Angels. The whole looking away aspect, corner of your eye thing.
- I'm glad the kid didn't die... I like that they had Amy shoot her, but I'm glad she doesn't have to have that on her shoulders.

It's really hard to give an opinion of this episode without knowing how it ends, so until next week, allons-y.
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