I've been tagged

Nov 06, 2007 15:13

The beautiful Becka has tagged me in this introspective meme. And I'm more than happy to comply, because even though I only have 10 days left of working in this cube, I'm still going mad with boredom. Which is my own fault, really, because there is plenty to be done before I leave, but I think I've gotten used to the 3:00 boredom onslaught and there's no stopping it now. Time for a meme.

I Am...
too much and not enough.
that was the lie I believed for a very long time.
every single minute was too long.

in truth I am...

unwavering yet at times remarkably wishy-washy
loving in a no-holds-barred sort of way
98% vegetarian
so completely loved
spontaneous but I love to plan
halfway bilingual
a lover
a dreamer
not what you expected or what you thought I was after your first impression

I Want...
to see the world and taste it
to wake up with rain falling on the tin roof
to live a life where my soul flies on a daily basis
to go back to Nicaragua
to live a life for glory and Love
to have a fabulous time in Chicago this weekend
to be kissed on New Year's this year
to be beautiful

I Have...
a cute nose and pretty eyes
a passion in my heart that won't die
been shown the way to life everlasting
been given what it takes to live the life I want
been blessed so abundantly
loved and been loved
experienced God

I Wish...
that someone would appear in my cube to give me a full-body Swedish massage
that Kak would rub off a little more on me because she's one of my favorite people ever
that I had enough time to say goodbye to everyone I want to
that I could have my cake and eat it too
that I could be held when I fall asleep tonight
that money wasn't such an issue

I Fear...
missing out on life, but moreso on what's important
living for myself instead of the Kingdom
insects of any shape or size, unless they are of the genus lady bug or love bug
losing those I love
my own inclinations toward evil

I Search...
deeper and deeper into the person of Jesus Christ only to realize there is infinitely more
for the will of God

I Wonder...
why God did _____ the way He did
who I will be in 10 years
what kind of life I will have in Asheville
what kind of risks I will take in my 22nd year
who will get engaged next
if I will ever believe I am beautiful

I Regret...
hurtful words
hurtful actions
not cherishing each day because there was a last

I Love...
Joshua Geiger
my family
my surrogate O-town family
this list could go on and on...

I Ache...
to be held
to be looked at like I'm captivating, heart-stopping, enchanting
for more of Jesus, less of me... so much less of me

I Always...
want more
get emotional
end up at my Father's feet

I Sometimes...
wonder why I am taking so long to master simple concepts
assume incorrectly
make really big mistakes
will surprise you
spend too much money
eat too much
get motivated at work

I Dance...
my heart out when nobody else is around
ballroom and I feel graceful and capable
salsa and I feel sexy and amorous
swing and I feel fun and talented

I Sing....
not nearly as much as I used to :(

I Never...
have smoked anything
am perfect
want my Christianity to be about what I don't do, but rather what I am about
want to become obsessed with myself or with money
will go to Halloween Horror Nights again
want to drink Coke again, but I think that might be unrealistic

I Rarely...
eat meat
lose my temper or yell
make out in public, but that might happen on Thursday

I Cry...
when I remember past hurts
when I hear certain songs
when I am angry
when I have hurt you

I Am Not Always...
as tough as I seem
sure of who reads my LJ

I Lose...
patience very, very quickly
at most sports that I attempt to play
earrings on a regular basis

I'm Confused...
by math, theology, and men

I Need...
a big hug from Joshua Geiger
more money
to tell all of you how much I love you!

I Should...
be working right now
be saving my money instead of spending it on things like eating dinner out and gorgeous green dresses
learn to put away childish things

I'm Thinking...
that this has made my head hurt
and I wonder if it was a little too honest
but whatever
and now, in proper style, I am tagging...

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