Jul 14, 2006 20:08
Topic: Lysol
The commercial opens with the traditional happy whistling Lysol music that we've come to assoicate with nasal abrasion and anti-germ warfare. The "I'm a more competent Mommy than you are" voice comes on and says "you wouldn't let your child eat in the street, would you?" and then talks about how the same germs that you find in the street might be on the kitchen table RIGHT NOW, oh my god! A sandwich, an apple, just think of the microscopic horrors!!!!!!!!
Okay. First of all, I had a VERY competent mommy and she used to let me take my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches outside all the time. It's called a PICNIC. Eating outside. Novel concept.
Next in line of commercial misconceptions: That it even MATTERS how many germs are on your kitchen table. I mean, yes. They show the obligitory chickenwater spill, oh my gosh we might get that stuff that people got in the early 90s at Jack in the Box and we've been scared of since! Or not. Most people, they aren't going to just leave nasty, goopy, sticky chicken water just laying about on their kitchen table for their kid to dip the BPand J into. MM MM that's good eatin'.
And finally, the reason you don't let your kids eat in the street is because they might get HIT BY A FREAKIN' CAR! Now, unless germs bind together into an amobea of never before seen proportions and learn how to hot wire my Jeep, I'm pretty sure that the danger factor is just a bit different.
Try again Lysol. Germs can't drive, and I wipe up my goopy chicken spills. I think I'll eat outside tonight just to spite this commercial.
(Xposted to MS and Xanga)