Working Sunday

Jul 08, 2007 22:38

So, today my family usually goes to Church but my mom was too exhausted from cleaning yesterday to go. (she's in her 50's so give her a break!) Anyways, I set my alarm to go off around 11 am because I wanted to get up and watch Sonic X. When my alarm went off the radio was playing Far Away by Nickelback. I decided to listen to that song instead of getting up right away. I then went to the bathroom then turned on the TV. I was too sleepy to reach for my glasses so I watched Sonic X and Yugioh blind. After that I went to go eat breakfast. I had a dough nut that was there and then I decided to have a bologna sandwich since it was somewhere around noon. I am so sick of those sandwiches!

After eating my mom made me and my little sister help her clean the house. We had to move all this junk so my mom could see what we're going to keep and what we're going to donate. We moved junk after junk and we also had to sweep and mop. The good thing today is that my mom wanted to watch her movies but we didn't know what channel it was on the Satalite. While going through all the stations I noticed that there were these channels that played music and on the screen it had the title of the song, the artist, CD label and other stuff. It was so awesome! I had it first on this Rock Show but then I realized it was soft rock. I then switched the channels to the other music stations and I found this cool one that's called Ink'd. It plays all these heavy metal and alternative rock music! My mom then told me to change the station because the music was giving her a headache. *Sigh*, I think I'm the only on in the family that appreciates ever type of music.

One time when my aunt came over to visit she and my grandma were looking at my shirt and gave me a weird look. My grandma told me she likes the material the shirt was made of but she didn't like the picture. (It had a skeleton with spikes and a British flag.) I told her that's the reason I bought the shirt! My aunt told my mom that my mom should listen to what music I listen to. Heck no! No one looks through my music pleasures, dammit! My younger brother is interested in Rap while my younger sister listens to Hip Hop and Pop. My older sister listens to some alternative rock and Japanese music. (which is strange because I doubt she understands a word they're saying but she's also into anime.) My older brother likes techno, some alternative rock, and some nerd music. I listen to whatever sounds good. Heck, no one tells me what to listen to! I will admit I have listen to Christian rock but it just doesn't seem right. So I looked it up and found there are Christian metal as well as Christian punk rock! So, I write more about that later when I find a cool band to listen to.

Anyways, after changing it from Ink'd my little sister wanted it on this station that played R/B and Hip Hop. I know my mom doesn't like that music so I changed it to Jazz. I was surprised that there was some classical as well as Hawaiian. My little sister warns me not to change it to this Kid Tunes station. She said it was for babies. I also found this Christian music but it sounds strange. Yeah, I'm defiantly going to try and find a good Christian metal or punk band.

After cleaning all that junk that took forever I finally got to have dinner. But when I tried to use the oven outside it wasn't working properly for some reason. So I waited an hour before it I took it out and it was only warm. I ate most of it and then I had ICE CREAM and Oreo toppings as well as chocolate. Today was my last day if being 16. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll be turning 17. I don't know why but I'm not looking forward to it. I was somewhat depressed today and I was depressed all day yesterday. But there is nothing I can do about it so tomorrow I will go through the day. On the bright side I get to make my own cake!


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