Mar 08, 2011 20:33
I've been driving to and from school since January. This is a new experience for me and it was very scary at first. I still carry the fear of getting into a crash, but my turns and following the speed limit had gotten better (I would sometimes drive under it by 5 mph). The nice apart about driving is getting to listen to the radio. I look forward to hearing new songs for me to buy off Amazon.
The sad part is that very rarely do I hear a song I really, really like. There are plenty of different artist/bands/groups with different genres of music. I would like to say that, but I keep hearing the SAME song and the SAME artists over and over again. It's not that the ones I hear everyday are terrible, it's just that I really DO hear them Every. Single. Day.
And, you know, it get's REALLY irritable. I wake up the same time on weekdays and leave school at the same time. I turn on the radio and wait patentially through commericals and other songs that are alright. Sometimes, just as I turn on the car, a song just barely begins and ALREADY I know which one it is! I mumble to myself and immediately change the station.
This all thing has been bugging me for awhile. I even hear them at the school's gym. I can understand since it's full of young students neededing fast songs to pump them through their workouts, but I am just frustrated! I can only fix the problem temporarly for my warm ups and cool downs but I am screwed when it comes to my wight lifting, especially when I work with a particualr machine right underneath the speakers.
As I said before, some are good artist and some are really good songs with powerful lyrics, but I would appreciate it if I can listen to someone else for a change. I'm not asking for groups and genres I really do like, just something new! Even as I type this, I got a song stuck in my head from the same thing I listen to EVERY DAY!
So, I thought I would be listening to contemporary music, but that is just the same hip artist and songs over and over again.
Bah, guess it's just part of my luck. :/