Time for another bust

Nov 25, 2010 04:42

I've always wondered what it is about cowards and shitheads that kick you when you're already down.

Oh well. My up til now anonymous LJ-slanderer, aka. boyfriend of H, my previous so called "friend" will not be granted anonymity from my side anymore as he decided to come forth with this kind little comment to my previous post:

Why he put a phone number at the end of the post beats me, I sincerely doubt it is his own (at least it doesn't match the one I - still, for some weird reason - have in my phone). But if someone wants to give it a shot, be my guest :P I sure as hell don't want to speak to him

Pretty gutsy to put a post out there with your own name, if it wasn't for the fact that they deleted it almost instantly (link to the post's comments here. I do have a couple of witnesses who saw the comment on screen before it was deleted). Is it just me or doesn't this kind of behavior just completely take away any even remote credibility for the content of the comment?

Also, note the IP. Then take a look at the IP here:

Link here. They're too similar to be a coincidence, if you also observe the commenter's syntax.

...IP not all that close, but since one can't prove a negative, AND syntax and message clearly are the same:

Link here.

And still after these two anonymous comments this guy was being all "I wanna be your friend" and being all nice and pretend to me. No, this isn't narcissistic manipulation at all, not at all

Is it really so far off to assume that this jerk is responsible for turning my friends against me? I didn't have issues with friends leaving me before this shitbird came along and pissed some H5N1 all over my at the time gradually improving life. Oh well, I have my proof, not to mention I know because I recognise behaviour patterns. This person is nothing but the itching crap left in the bite of a piss ant: annoying and without any useful function, but not really a big deal.

It did make me think of how funny life is, because...after all, isn't it kind of ironic that people who write stuff like this to me are the ones calling me horrible? :D

idiots, life

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