I just rediscovered a childhood-TV-program by stumbling over it on a list of old Aussie TV-series
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I remember this! Ahhh, precious nostalgia...I have these certain visual "stills", separate frames/scenes that I remember from watching it back then...and the theme music!! Not to mention that it was super cool to spot the poster for PSB's "Actually" on Jenny-Kelly's wall xD
It was quite amusing to realise that this wasn't the only Aussie show that I grew up liking, but one of a handful at the least ("Halfway Across the Galaxy and Then Left" or "Ocean Girl" e.g., anyone?). This must be a key to my Australia-obsession - I've been brainwashed since infancy :P
I've slept barely at all the previous 3 days, despite melatonin-pills, just drowsy and anxious...and then just a while ago me and dad drifted into an essentially spiritual conversation ranging from the original plan for humans to existential ideas of the very being of deity, the universe and the creation/meaning of everything. I love this kind of discussions with people who think about things spiritual/religious in such a sci-fi/cyberpunk way, and I see myself in the excitement he was wrapped in. But I was simply way overclocked. Yet, I didn't seem to be able to tear myself out of the conversation (read: sermon - he was just in that mood LoL), and that resulted in a huge headache and brain-fry. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it in a way. Timing just sucked :P
Yesterday (the 23rd) also happened to be "Celebrate Bisexuality"-day, so GIMME A 'Y', GIMME AN 'A', GIMME A 'Y', YAY!!! This just feels a bit of a weird way to top off the discussion with my dad, given that we touched subjects like homosexuality which he doesn't approve of at all :P well at least he "judges" just actions, not the people