Apr 17, 2009 15:11
Its a rainy day here and for most people that isn't something to smile about. But I personally love rainy days especially after a long week because it feels like a refresh for the whole world around me. That makes today a great day to make a smile list!
1. Its a beautiful rainy day.
2. Had dinner with Kitt last night. We went to Joe's and she had her first experience with boiled crawfish. She now knows the awesomeness that is crawfish. (OK why does firefox recognize awesomeness but not crawfish?)
3. Got a flight raise at work!
4. Found out I actually did pass the state board and I am now a registered vet tech. I get have letter after my name now! And I have a pin and a certificate.
5. Had Jacob, Marsha and Patrick over for dinner on Tuesday night. Was nice to make dinner for people. And there were no leftovers so that always makes me feel good. Also good conversation and company.
6. I was the Easter bunny for my parents. After years of them making baskets for us and sending me candy while I was away from home it was the least I could do for them. Mom liked how the Easter bunny was very mindful of her diet and only brought her weight watchers candy.
7. Spending Saturday night with friends. Went to dinner and to see Monsters vs Aliens for Kim's birthday. Then went over to Patrick's to have ice cream and just relax.
8. Going to the Mavs' game Friday night with Patrick and his two roommates. Was a lot of fun, I got free beer. Then afterwards was more drinking and I had my first trip to a strip club where I got dances. (Also drank too much apparently but that's not smile worthy.)
9. Having Patrick make breakfast Saturday morning while I nursed a hang over.
10. Having this week over with! Barely got the paper turned in but did make it. Also took my test on Wed night in 9 mins and got an A on it.
11. I have a weekend of hanging out with Patrick tonight, going to dinner with my parents and brother Patrick tomorrow night, and other then that just relaxing ahead of me.