I will post a smile list later. I have a lot to smile about recently but right now I'm going to complain about how crappy this Monday has been. I know that the :) list is really needed tonight but I think being in the bitter mood is a bit better for the paper for the time being.
- Slept crappy, waking up every hour or so thinking that I have over slept.
- Get to work and go to print off my marketing plan paper that is due Wed. Decided to print it off today so that I didn't forget to do it Wed. This was good thinking on my part as I found out that my flash drive was either wiped or just wasn't reading. After trying it at home I'm pretty sure that its been wiped. So now I have to write a 8-12 page paper all over again by 7 Wed night. I hated writing the paper the first time I wrote it, hate it more this time and of course can't remember anything from the original paper because it was all BS.
- Sitting in Marketing class before the test and professor tells me that I'm not allowed to have a drink that isn't a screw top in the class room. I've had non screw top drinks in this class before and he's never said anything. So I have to go to the hall and chug a grande caramel macchiato from Starbucks. Yeah that hit about 5 mins into the test. That was fun let me tell you. *rolls eyes*
- skipped my second class because I need to get this paper done
- I over eat when I'm stressed and I eat crappy yet yummy food
- My quesidilla was stuck to the paper it was wrapped in. Half of it is still stuck to the paper and I don't get to eat it.
- I have been working on this paper for almost 2 hours now and I have almost two pages. :( I really don't want to have to spend another 6 hours to finish this paper. I don't have 6 free hours between now and when its due unless I get little sleep.
- I should have been in bed half an hour ago but know that I need to knock this paper out so here I sit.
- I hate this paper so much that I just spent about 10 mins writing a complain list just so I had something else to think about/do for a bit.
Yeah I hate this Monday. :/