How can that prat be Head Boy?! *hyperventilates*

Apr 22, 2006 23:36

I must delay all welcomes, as there is an important warning that needs to be given. For the good of your health, we suggest you read on...

There is a disease, fellow passengers, a disease which is currently spreading like wildfire throughout the internet. It infects the easily influenced and dimwitted, is terrifyingly contagious, seemingly untreatable, and its effects are devastating. Even those with proper immunization cannot escape the disenchantment and nausea caused by simply coming into contact with any one of the many hapless victims that this illness has claimed the sanity of.

This disease has a name:

Bad fanfiction.

This disease takes many forms, but there is one in particular that we are worried about: all fics pertaining to the MWPP era, or more specifically, Lily/James.

Common symptoms of bad L/J fanfiction may include some or all of the following:

OCCness: For example.. Playboy!Sirius, Prudish!Lily, Victimized!James, Bedwetting!Peter, Wherethehellishe!Peter, Selfharming!James, ClosetHomosexual!Remus, ClosetHomosexual!Sirius, ClosetHomosexual!Remus and ClosetHomosexual!Sirius having ClosetHomosexual!Relations in a closet... so on, so forth..

Poor story development: For example.. Lily hates James, Lily falls over, James catches Lily, James says something sweet to Lily, Lily comes to realize her deep and meaningful adoration for James within the space of a nanosecond.

Cliches: For example.. Murdered parents, Masquerade balls, Lily gets made over, bets gone wrong, locked in a closet together (maybe they could get locked in with ClosetHomosexual!Remus and ClosetHomosexual!Sirius? You never know what those crazy kids come up with these days!), they switch bodies... etc... etc

This must be stopped! Our cherished Marauders and the lovely Miss Evans are being shamelessly canon raped by these authors! We will not tolerate it any longer, and we call upon the many, many other good and intelligent readers out there (and we know you are out there) to join us in our stand against this treachery.

If you are still wondering what exactly we will be using this community for, this is the lowdown.

We will be posting our views on each and every 'symptom' listed, plus many more. We will be creating various parodies of James/Lily fics. We will be searching for the worst examples of ficcage we can find, and tearing them to shreds for your amusement. If you don't agree with our opinions, feel free to tell us, but it won't change the fact that we're right ,and we will go out of our way to prove it.

And thus begins the seventh year train ride. We remind you that refreshments are available, running in the corridors is dangerous, and travel sickness bags are in the overhead compartment.

We hope you enjoy it.

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