Dec 19, 2007 19:43
its almost christmas. and im totally pysched. i never get excited but i am this year. today alex and i looked around at houses for rent in broad ripple/ south broad ripple area. it was really nice and pretty fun. we found some really decent ones that are way cheaper than we are paying right now. question is, are they good enough to go through the hastle of breaking lease and moving all our stuff. school this semester is finally over and my grades are out im just scared to check them. this semester has been horrible, but next semester is going to be much better.
sometimes things in my head get in the way of doing work and making art. but im good now.
this break ill be mostly in florida, so plan is to read and make some things, draw just kind of stop pile images for the begining of semester. im so close to the end i can feel it.
the more i think about it, and the more i can see the visible end, i think i need to move as soon as i graduate. i need to go somewhere and far away and live unattached and free. by unattached i mean my parents, and indiana. ok well, its time to watch some movies and make some meat free sandwiches in which case i will eat and enjoy.