Apr 28, 2006 08:21
So I am driving the kids to school this morning and of course I am rushing trying to get there on time (Evan totally stresses if he thinks he might be late)...so I go the way I always do..and cut through Forest Hills on Highland (which is a pretty busy street during rush hours..) and what is in the road blocking traffic?? A toddler! A baby probably not much older that Tommy is running down the street with his arms in the air waving at everyone in the middle of the freaking street! And get this..NO ONE is getting out of the cars and doing squat about it! No mom/dad in sight..just the baby. So I turn my car off and run like a mad woman towards the baby. And another guy gets out of his car (while all the other cars are just passing us by)..(wonder what those people were even thinking??) And of course this is the ONE morning I don't have my cell phone. So we decide to go knock on the houses on the street and this mom runs around the corner and you can see the pure panic on her face. Apparently her son had gone outside and their gate was open. Thank goodness for the speed bumps on that street, because even with those, people haul butt on that street...geez...that was scary. Not the first time I have found a baby in the street..a few years ago, I found one on Lakeland (another cut through busy street)...I was knocking on doors for a good 15 minutes (on the wrong side of the street) until some grandma came out looking for the little guy. Alrighty..I think I have found my share of escapees now..let me tell ya, my heart and my mind race when something like that happens. Scary!