"Didn't you spend the night at my house?"

Sep 19, 2005 22:18

Me to my mother about our mother-daughter-relationship- "I don't know if you've noticed this..but we don't get along"

And that's how the conversation pretty much went from there. I just need her to back off for two seconds and let me handle this. "i'm woried about you Leslie" My ass she's worried about me. If she's worried about anything its about her precious reputation. As long as I stay in her little box, and go to her church, and live in her house, work in the place she chose, then everything is fine. God forbid I live my own life. She doesn't know me, she doesn't want to know me; and to be perfectly honest, if she did know me..she'd hate me. We don't talk. I give her little tid-bits into my life, the little things that don't matter, so she thinks we communicate. Then she goes off and feels good about herself thinking she achieved world peace or something. I am not my mother's daughter. Not in the aspect that we are the same. I may share soem genes with her, but I am nothing like her, and I never want to be.

When Chad and I were driving to this store Penny Lane on Sunday we were talking about this, and I was like "I don't get along with mom" and he was like "you know me either. You always got along better with Dad. ALWAYS. Swear to god he should have just birthed you." "birthed me?" "That's what i said" Anyhoo, we've decided she tries too hard to be this typical mother, and wants everything to be by the big this-is-how-we-do-things book. I think I scare my parents. Or at least my mother. I stopped listening. She'll start in on the whole "taking responsibility/you're not listening to me/this year is important" speech and I just look at her and think "why are you still talking?" I may sound like a horrible person here, but I can't help it. This is how I feel.

If she only knew.
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