Mar 15, 2005 22:00
It is GORGEOUS out. Not really the weather persay, cause it's kinda chilly. But the sky. The sky is beautiful tonight. The moon is like this half cresent thing, and you can see the stars really well. If you haven't yet, you should look outside. And if you have already, you should look again. lol. It's really pretty. Makes me want to go outside and just lay on the ground looking up. As soon as it gets warmer that is just what I shall do.
Work was...dull. But that's to be expected.
School was...tolerable. Which is slightly out of the ordinary.
Life is...good. Which should be odd, but it's not.
Code got the paint off his car. This is good, but I still feel really bad. I'll make it up to him still.
I forgot how much I loved this Dashboard mix. I'm happy to have it back.
I haven't been able to write in a while, which is incredibly dissapointing. *sigh* I need a muse. lol. I'm not even really entirely sure what a muse is. But I think I need one nonetheless.
oh! Casey's opened. This is very exciting. Now I don't have to go to Freedom for gas (I don't like that place, it's dirty)
AND. Guess what. Tolono now has this icecream parlor. I know! It's weird. But cool. We used to have one of those icee stand things. Do you know what I'm talking about? Well anyway, they also sold icecream, it was on the side of the road facing rt. 45, and it was right next to the tracks. We used to go on walks/bike rides/ me on roller blades mom and dad walking in the evenings during the summer, and we'd always walk over there and I would get a twisted cone. *shakes head* ah well. Times change. We grow up and realize our parents aren't these great roll models and don't reside on this pedastal we'd put them on.
When I came home on Saturday, and my rents were layin into me, I had this sudden image burst into my head. It was one night when Chad had missed curfew. By like, a lot. He was sitting downstairs on the green couch (which is why i now think of it as the punishment couch) and he was slouched over and his head was in his hands. I'm pretty sure he was crying. And dad was standing by the piano with his arms crossed over his chest and this disapointed look on his face, and mom was screeching in a high-pitched voice; middle-naming him and everything. I'll always remember that. Don't know why though.
There's this Parkland College open house thing goin on on Friday, April 1st from 2-5. I'm thinking of going. Who knows, might be interesting.
You know how you have people on your buddy list who you don't really talk to anymore, but are too lazy to delete. So when they im you out of the blue it's kinda odd, but comforting in a way. Cause you know that that part of your life, though over, is still there, a part of you in one way or another.
I'm kinda tired. But I know I won't be able to sleep, so why bother? ... Ah well, it's worth a shot, right. Don't forget too look outside!