Badfic Manor Application

Mar 18, 2011 03:54

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Birdy
Age: 28
Email/MSN/AIM:, shirhanblade @ Aim
Personal LJ: shirhan_blade

IC Information:

Character Name: Vermouth/Chris Vineyard (Aka Sharon Vineyard; real name unknown)
Character Journal: 7forsecrets
Canon: Detective Conan
Point in Canon: Current
Age: Unknown, appears ~late 20's or early 30's, claims 29.
Birthday: November 5

Appearance: Vermouth is very attractive and well aware of it. Undisguised and normally, she has pale, light blue eyes and long golden-blonde hair, with the figure of a model; she dresses well - flattering, but not overly elaborate, and appropriate to the situation. (This can mean anything from fairly conservative and functional, to blatantly showing off her assets.)

Abilities: For one, she's a very trained and seasoned actress. She's actually very famous in her world, and has proven that the ability carries over into her less savory work, as she's perfectly capable of replacing someone mostly without tipping off people who know them. This also means that she's one of the world's greatest liars.

She's also a master of disguise. She studied under Kuroba Toichi, the original Kaitou Kid who was infamous for being able to "be anyone", and may have already known some of the tricks before that. She is capable of using perfectly non-supernatural means to convincingly pass off as just about anyone. She spent the better part of a year replacing the (male) school doctor at Conan and Haibara's school; there were a handful of small slips and clues, but not enough for it to be caught for longer than is really good for the sanity or deserved paranoia of most of the cast.

She's an excellent shot with various guns and a skilled assassin, very capable at stealth and not really someone you want to end up in a fight with; she doesn't have physical strength or brute force on her side, but she's skilled and will fight very, very dirty.

She's also proven capable of basically combat driving with a motorcycle, although being able to pull chases and herd other vehicles isn't likely to come up here.

Oh, and she's also immortal, or at least hasn't aged in a good while. Given some of her behavior, it's entirely possible it might go past just not aging, and she has gotten injuries in canon that should've left scars but didn't. (I point this out because canon has had incidents with other characters getting noticeable scars from things like bullet graze injuries, so it actually is a noticeable exception.) So far it seems that's about it on her doing anything unnatural. While she doesn't go out of her way to test or demonstrate this, she has displayed a cavalier lack of regard for danger; she'll dodge and avoid injury with the best of them, but it isn't something that seems to bother her or give her any pause. She's been known to cage-rattle and then stare down - while at gunpoint - a "teammate" who happens to be a very irritable assassin. (See also, Gin when he was in the Manor. Yep. She basically plays "You know you can't touch me" psychological chicken with him in between hitting on him.) Given that she does get hurt, it's not some kind of Wolverine-esque healing factor; I'm rendering it that she'll heal at a fairly "normal" rate, maybe slightly fast, just more cleanly than normal, and "death" would just put her down for a bit while her body repairs itself. In other words, it might not be noticeable in the Manor.

Personality: Vermouth is very secretive, very manipulative, and very fickle. If you treat dealing with her like dealing with a very large cat, complete with the feline ego, you're in the right ballpark. Whatever her agendas are, she doesn't share them; she'll throw in with others, sometimes even to the point of some shows of allegiance, but in the end, she's in it for exactly one person: herself. If her agendas or interests run counter to those of her allies, well... bad luck for them. She will perfectly happily play both sides and set people up as unwitting pawns.

She does seem to get attached to certain people as "people she likes", and might be more charitable towards them; she'll still use them and manipulate them shamelessly, but is less likely to do something that'd permanently damage them or get them killed. This seems to be a little unpredictable, and it's also hard to predict just how far those attachments can be pushed; it's heavily implied she's got a pretty close relationship with the Black Org's boss, after all, and she's practically grooming Shinichi to at least be a major threat to the Organization, referring to him as the "Silver bullet" to destroy them. She's also perfectly capable of feigning attachment, to compound the confusion.

Ennui seems to be a decent driving force in her personality; she's old enough to have hit the age where she's seen it all, and while she certainly has things she's after seriously, there's times she seems to do things just because it amuses her. It's even possible to "be amusing" enough to earn one of the insulated "attached" labels, although again, the extent to which that's a protection is variable and can change quickly. She'll flirt, toy with people, use them as verbal cat-toys and then be almost impossibly sweet to them, and it's difficult to predict where her moods are going to go or what agenda you might be playing into. The fact that she'll terrorize and occasionally set up or manipulate people she "likes", and sometimes save or act kindly toward people she "dislikes", makes it even harder for others to guess where they stand. She does seem more attracted to individuals with a strong will and a strong personality as people she'll find "interesting".

It's worth noting that one of her cannier "allies" who she's expressed some vague sort of fondness for keeps her at arm's length and seems to approach interactions with her as handling a live rattlesnake... and that it's likely a wise decision on Gin's part.

She will happily play both the angel and the devil, capable of almost simultaneous acts of ruthless cruelty and unexpected kindness and mercy. This makes more sense with what's been shown of her sense of ethics and philosophy; she doesn't work in terms of "good and evil" per se, and she doesn't seem to be out for any kind of world-changing agenda except as a side effect of her own personal goals. There's an embittered cynicism underlaying this that leads to her playing the villain more often than not - at one point she says "no angel has ever smiled on me", and seems to treat cruelty and tragedy as just a fact of life. At the same time, she seems to have a small fascination with people that are stubborn enough in terms of honest good intentions and actions; as much as the amusement seems to be half "How cute, you're trying so hard for something impossible", she'll be inclined to be less destructive toward them, even mildly protective, although it's not safe to rely on her goodwill - it can vanish if she decides you're not useful for her agenda or if you manage to fall out of her good graces. It seems like, on some level, she'll flicker between recognizing that "good" people are mostly her enemies to be destroyed, and genuinely wanting them to win. It's almost as if she's halfway looking to find someone that might manage to change her opinion on human nature and the way the world works - someone that'd be able to prove that a person can keep high ideals and succeed at acting on them without turning into a hypocrite or destroying themselves. This doesn't stop her from being ruthless and deadly in most circumstances.

She seems to be disenchanted with any notion of higher powers - where this comes from and why is anyone's guess, but she's actively cynical and hostile towards the notion of a "kind and loving god", in an adversarial sense more than an atheistic or agnostic sense.

Strengths: Fast and generally accurate judge of character, skilled, excellent actress and liar, been around the block enough to be very hard to surprise, unpredictable and good at keeping people off-balance

Weaknesses: Unpredictable when bored, and she's usually at least a little bit bored; can be moody without it being visible in the slightest, fickle and unstable in her relationships with others, cynical and distant, will occasionally do mildly self-destructive things, and can be just a touch condescending.

History: Vermouth's first canon mention on the timeline is as the famous rising star, Sharon Vineyard. Nothing was known about Sharon's family, and it was said that her parents had died in a fire on the day she first appeared on screen. Sharon was incredibly successful, although very private; even her most devout fans knew little about her beyond her career. She became very successful on Broadway, and at some point married and had a daughter, although not much was ever known of her family. Her husband died of a mysterious illness the day after she earned an Oscar. During this time, she studied under the world-famous magician, Kuroba Toichi (Kaito's father and the original Kaitou Kid), and became good friends with his other student, the rising Japanese star Kuko Yukiko - Shinichi's mother. They kept in touch after Toichi's death, and Sharon even sent Yukiko three tickets to the Broadway production "The Golden Apple", inviting Yukiko, Shinichi, and Ran to New York to visit; a murder on set (unrelated to her at all) became Shinichi's second real case. The next year, she died under mysterious circumstances, and her daughter, Chris, was seen publicly for the first time outside of private interviews and some early acting work at the funeral. Chris used her mother's reputation to rise fast, becoming a famous actress in her own right, although she maintained the tradition of secrecy, dodging and avoiding any questions from reporters about her mother's death, her father, or really anything unrelated to work. Sharon claimed to have had a falling-out with her daughter to Yukiko, saying she hadn't seen Chris in years and that Chris had fallen in with "a bad crowd".

This all becomes more impressive when you realize that Sharon and Chris were, in fact, the same person.

During the time Shinichi and Ran were in New York for the play, they crossed paths with an investigation of a serial killer - actually Vermouth, disguising herself to lure out FBI agent Shuichi Akai; Shinichi spotted the "Killer", apparently an older man with long hair, and gave chase. This ended up with Ran saving "him" from a fall off a fire-escape railing - then later Shinichi noted that the "man" had cleaned off the railing of blood and fingerprints...

In more current canon timeline, as mentioned above, Vermouth spent almost a year posing as Conan and Haibara's grade school's doctor; there were several small slips that eventually gave her away, but she used that position for some time to monitor the "children" and those around them, with signs that she'd gathered more than enough evidence to have figured out who Conan really was. To date, she has yet to share this knowledge with the rest of the Organization; in fact, she's tipped her hand to recognizing both Haibara and Conan, yet has interfered with Gin when Gin was about to kill Mouri Kogorou and everyone around him (Ran and Conan included) as "suspicious", and even once had Conan kidnapped in her car after an Incident - and she not only let him overhear her calling the boss clearly enough for him to decipher the number by the tones of the keys, but basically allowed him to escape. She's been perfectly ruthless towards the FBI and CIA agents pursuing the org, but has dubbed Shinichi her "silver bullet" and occasionally even given him evidence. Granted, some of this also ends up weeding out the stupid from the Org; Irish, the end victim of her last stint of giving Shinichi evidence, was a bit of a loose canon, to put it lightly, gunning for Gin, who she does seem to "like". It's clear that she has an agenda and that Shinichi is important enough of a pawn to keep alive, but no clue has been given just what that agenda is or what she's using him for - whether she honestly wants the Org to fall, is using him to weed out the stupid and disloyal, or just got bored and decided it was more interesting if they had a challenge... or some mix of all of the above. She does seem to have some kind of fondness in her attachment to Ran and Shinichi, enough to go out of her way to avoid killing them and even give orders not to touch them when there was a clean shot.

First Person Sample: **Yes, I did end up setting this during Jurassic Park week.**
[The feed clicks on to show her in a dark room, locked off, with an emergency oil lamp burning the background. She's relaxed, almost nonchalant, with a cigarette in the hand that's not holding the Blackberry.]

Really now ... I thought most of us knew this was coming - I expected more people would've been looking for places to stay besides the hotel before this happened.

[She shakes her head slowly.] There are a few places besides the boats that could be secured, you know... it's not necessary to play along with the silly girl's script.

[And then, with a small smile-] I wish you all luck; I'd come out and help, but there's not much I could do, I'm afraid. I only play heroes on the screen, I'm not exactly cut out for fending off dinosaurs... so I'll stay out of the way and leave it to those much more capable.

Third Person Sample: She realized she wasn't at home fast when she woke up - judging by the looks of the room, whoever had taken her had gone to some trouble to make it feel "at home". She had to give them credit - taking her when she was asleep without her being aware of it was an accomplishment. The fact that they'd left her armed almost felt like a taunt - they couldn't be sloppy and pull off this kidnapping, so they were confident she wouldn't be able to find them. She couldn't deny that she was amused by them having the audacity to actually go through with this; it wouldn't save them if she found them, of course, but she'd give credit where credit was due.

She took her time getting dressed, rolling with the lack of overt threat, and walked out to get a look around and get her bearings - and, seeing the nameplates on similar doors, decided to start by wandering the residence halls, noting names; it would be useful to know who else this mysterious party had taken, even if matching names to faces would take time.

Anyone else in the halls during late-morning would find her boredly wandering, wearing a well-cut plain grey suit and skirt. She seems remarkably unconcerned for someone that's just been kidnapped...

Links: Wiki link here

Notes: I will note that it's impossible for some "actually working for original purpose" form of the Apotoxin to be responsible for her immortality, since it was still unfinished as of the last few years... and she apparently had the immortality thing down already well before its more current forms.

In headcanon notes, I do interpret her as being ... pretty damn old. Old enough to pick up "bored immortal" behavioral tics and a very strange sense of priorities, and old enough that there's no telling just how long she's been around. I've also figured that her immortality is one of the canon's nods to "well, the supernatural DOES exist" that's more subtle than Akako. I've taken a cue from Akako's existence and the implication that it's possible to trip over someone with powers and guessed that Vermouth should be able to do things, but is currently a little... nerfed, and has her own reasons for being interested in the Black Org's research - besides the entertainment value of being involved, she's lost something and is trying to get it back, or at least work on some other agendas of her own while she's there. So basically, besides the immortality, she's functionally normal human, just a very old, experienced, and skilled human. Whether that's what she actually is or not, is not going to be easy to pry out of her; she's been this way long enough to be quite used to it. She may have connections to the Pandora gem that Kid is after, considering her connections with Toichi - while I do not believe she was involved in his death (I've usually read it as more of a "he was one of the people she was slightly fond of" from implications in Yukiko's attitude towards that time period), she may very well have been the one who approached him trying to recruit him into the Org and asked him to find/steal Pandora for them. This may be one reason she's turned a little destructive towards her own organization, if she'd gotten attached to him and they'd killed him against her wishes.

Given her behavior, I'm assuming there's a gradual falling-out going on where she's likely playing both sides partly because she's considering collapsing her own organization - something most of them haven't realized; Gin suspects, but can't say anything since she happens to be the Boss's favorite and is maintaining that status - he knows if it comes down to her word versus his, the Boss will go with her.

I'm assuming her nameplate would read "Chris Vineyard", and that will be the persona she'll be keeping up to the Manorites for the most part... including her castmates, although that will be tinged with almost daring them to call her one it.

Bonus: She has been gnawing on my head, and there's actually a halfway decent cast here for her to terrorize besides the rest of the Manor who she will happily use as cat-toys.

Also as mentioned, I doubt there's going to be playercest issues between her and Saguru - she has no real reason to find him that interesting as anything other than a sidenote, and Saguru wants to stay the fuck away from her.

badfic manor, ooc, application

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