Oct 03, 2005 11:39
So this weekend Ben and I went to Jen's brother's wedding. At the wedding I was introduced to a lot of people I still don't remember the names of, as was Ben. Also one of the people I met is Jen's other soon-to-be sister in law and one of her other brothers who will be married on the 12th of November. Well when I was brought over to be introduced it was with a more specific purpose in mind. The couple really want someone to sing at their wedding and Jen suggested they ask me! Eeek! I turned beat red and I know it... but I agreed after all the asking they did. Telling me how special it would be for them and the like.. I also however have to pick the song, learn it, and be prepared, in SIX weeks! The wedding was pretty though, real simple backyard deal and pretty relaxed. I however got emberassed a lot, like when I got told I was an angel from heaven, looked like an angel, things of that nature. From people I had just met! Well plus Jen's mom. I did look pretty good though, even Ben said so, a lot! Then again the dress had him real worked up, topped off with the fact my hair was all wavy.. hehehehe... Needless to say we had some fun once we got back to my place seeing as it was completely empty... ^_^
Then because Jen didn't come home and I wasn't keen on staying home alone I drove over to Ben's and spent the night, then spent the entire day over there. I helped him clean his dad's car, then spent like over three hrs talking to his dad while Ben was at work. As well as of course doing Ben's laundry. Though I think I am gonna convince him to let me do it once a week rather than every other because lord knows unless he runs out of something he needs he won't do his laundry any more often than that. I learned a lot of new things in talking to his dad though, and actually he picked up a few things too. Got myself in a tiny bit of trouble with Ben though when I told him some of the things we covered.. but he didn't stay mad.. Thankfully.
I really enjoyed talking to his dad, certain things got laid out on the table and cleared up which made me a lot more relaxed about being around his dad. Mainly the whole part about how Ben and I met. His dad seemed to take it just fine, now I just hope he remembers he was told so we don't go through the conversation again. His dad really seems to like me and be okay with the relationship Ben and I have. I think in telling him the truth it makes more sense to him too how Ben and I are as close as we are. I mean he can answer for me and be correct in his answer without a second though, finish my sentances. Often times figure out the word I am searching for, and vice versa. Well anyway that's just about it. Can't wait til later when I can tell Jen that Ben's dad finally knows how we met and all.