Day 2: Work

Sep 15, 2009 23:37

KANSAS CITY -- Today was a much calmer day.

It was only a 2-minute walk from my hotel to the bus stop; I hopped aboard a downtown express 22 blocks down Main St to where the class is being taught. (I haven't used the software much, so the class was informative.) The building is in the Crown Center complex, which also contains Hallmark headquarters and the infamous Hyatt Regency hotel.

(Note: In 1981, as some 2,000 people filled the lobby and suspended walkways in the atrium to observe a dance contest, the 2nd & 4th floor walkways collapsed upon each other due to structural errors. When all was said and done, 114 were killed and over 200 were injured. Source

Today's meal within the Country Club Plaza complex was more traditional and less expensive. At O'Dowd's Little Dublin, I apparently had authentic bangers n' mash. (That's sausage and mashed potatoes, with peas au gratin and gravy.)

Then it was back past the hotel into the Westport neighborhood 8 blocks away for a movie at the Tivoli. World's Greatest Dad is a slow-starting satire that becomes unequal parts Hamlet, Election, and The Virgin Suicides, along with a seemingly inexplicable cameo by Bruce Hornsby.

work, movies, travel, food

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