Scenes from the wake line

May 13, 2007 22:17

*We as a people need to find a better word than "sorry", as in, "Sorry to hear your mother died." It's not like she slipped from your grasp in a fast-rushing river, nor can you un-hear what you've already heard.

And although I lean toward the Alison Krauss school ("you say it best when you say nothing at all"), I did accept any and all flowery praise offered up.

*I said to several people that Mom looked better this week than last week, but something was off about her makeup. I think maybe her eyebrows were too dark for the rest of the face. I don't know; I'm just sayin'....

*Now I'm not Howie Mandel or anything, but what's wrong with a firm handshake or a peck on the cheek? Does everybody have to hug?

*Commercial break: This break is brought to you by "Peeps Gone Wild." "Peeps Gone Wild": a video-art installation by up-and-coming artist mamallama, on display one night only -- Thursday, May 17 at the Chet Lowther Studio, 223½ Hale Street downtown from 5-8. Parental guidance suggested. (Thanks for coming, m'dear.)

*I chatted up my friend Carrie, who was in line with her parents and one of her aunts. (Btw mamallama, that would be Mrs Smith's daughter.)
Me- So, how's married life treating you?
C- It's not treating me at all.
Me- Well then, we'll speak of it no more.

Her other aunt showed later, and related the details. "Apparently he didn't consider the fact that being married meant you no longer had girlfriends."

*My grandfather asked me to check the visitor figures at the end of the night. Apparently, he was interested/curious to see who pulled more in to the funeral home, Mom or my grandmother. (I should stop here to mention that it took two divorces by my uncle to finally make Mom grandma's favorite daughter-in-law.)

In the end it was close, but Grandma is winner and still champion, 274-261. (Approximately; I estimated "Roseann & family" as 4.)

family, friends

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