[ADMIN] Welcome! + Rules and such

Aug 13, 2007 18:08

Hay guys. :D

So since Kat-chan's forums are now defunct, we will be holding 6YFH here on LJ. (Much easier to keep track of anyway.)

So! Grab up those icons I made and come join the comm ;)

Who's playing who:

darkjediprinces: Kat Phillips/Fang, Khense Nekire/Webwing, and Rezo Greywers
martyfan: Ael L. Bolt/Shriek and Zelgadis Greywers/Shadow
fire_sings: Connemara O'Neil/Cloudmane
alilnightmusic: Aislin Krystophe/Eire
kawaiispinel: Chris Montgomery/Whitetail and Xellos Metallium/Vulpis
damostaranth: Damos Taranth


1. Double-space between paragraphs: I shouldn't really have to say this, but we had a problem with a few of the other players not doing this in the old RP. So for the sake of easy reading, please double-space. :)

2. If you've got something in a foreign language, translate it at the end of your post. 'Cuz, y'know, not all of us speak Gaelic or Khemetic or Japanese or whatever other language you're using ;)

3. All posts should be friends-locked and behind a cut. Because we don't want anyone seeing what we've got before we're ready for them to ;)

4. Those icons? The ones of the characters? Use 'em. This'll help us know who's POV the post is in on first sight. :) If you've got multiple characters, use the icon whose POV the post is in.

5. Lastly, have fun! This goes without saying ;)

!rules, !admin

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