Foundations One-shot Podfic - Festive Fundamentals

Dec 05, 2011 22:30

The last time I posted (back in late October), I was trying out the idea of posting without a specific purpose, just to chat.

Yeah, not so much with the follow-through on that.

So instead, here's a mini-update followed by the link to the podfic of Festive Fundamentals by the brilliant and lovely saras_girl.

Weightwatchers report: 83 lb. lost to date. Next target: 100 lb. by the end of February.

Stressful life events: my 79 year old father, who has not driven since he had a stroke last January, is trying to get his licence back. The rest of the family is not so sure that dad getting his licence back would be a good thing; in fact, we were sort of hoping that his doctor would just tell him "no" and that would be that. He'll be unbearable if he doesn't get it and unsafe if he does. There is no win here.

Annoying work events: Work continues to be stupid and busy. Also, festive. The regular worky stuff hasn't slowed down, but now we get to spend our lunch hours and after work time together having gift exchanges and decorating competitions and Christmas drinks, etc, etc. I realize that I sound like the Grinch here, but sometimes I need to spend a bit of time in my cave enjoying the absence of noisy festiveness. All those Whos down in Whoville are getting on my last nerve.

The incongruity of whinging about excessive festiveness while posting a recording of a story that celebrates being-togetherish festiveness does not escape me. Perhaps I need to re-read the story in the hopes of achieving a more festive frame of mind...

And now, the bit you've been waiting for: Foundations!verse Fic link.

In the fullness of time (and time seems to be very full), I do intend to finish recording all of the Foundations!Verse one-shots. And then I will have to sort out whether the next project is fluffy!verse or Turn. I am endlessly grateful to Nat for a) writing all of these super-fantabulous stories in the first place and b) allowing me to record them, albeit very slowly.


h/d, collaboration, podfic

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