I know that I said it might be awhile, but I got Nat's notes today, and the corrections were pretty straightforward. They are now done, and the chapter is up.
Also, I have re-posted Chapter 4, which had a post-beta editing error in it. My thanks to crinklysolution for noticing it! If you're planning to download the podbook when it's compiled, you might not want to bother redownloading Chapter 4 since the corrected version will be in that, but it's posted nonetheless.
I'm going to keep this brief, since I rambled on a bit yesterday. My thanks, as always, to Nat, for writing this fabulous story in the first place, and for being an excellent and supportive beta listener. Also, thank you to all of the wonderful people who have commented. I do love hearing from you (even if I sometimes take a while to respond!). It is great to know that you're enjoying listening to the story!
And so, onward! Here's the