A meme. Because Colline made me.

Oct 04, 2008 19:34

So this is my second entry. It is not, as was originally intended, a recc list for my favourite fanfics. And it's been more than 3 months since my first posting, which is just sad.

But I am responding to a meme from the very motivational Colline, so here's it is.

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
Nope. I'm watching my best friend's marriage implode, and I'm thinking: single is good (most of the time).
02) What was your dream growing up?
Variable. At different times I wanted to be a vet, a stewardess (hey, it was the '70s, that's what they were called!), an architect, a writer, and a zookeeper. And many other things I no longer remember.
03) What talent do you wish you had?
Some kind of stupendous musical talent. Of course, I don't actually want to have to do the practicing part.
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Pint of Guinness, please.
05) Favorite fruit?
Probably a peach, possibly a pear
06) What was the last book you read?
The latest Tanya Huff - sorry, can't recall the name just now
07) What zodiac sign are you?
Virgo, one day off of Libra. Little more Libra than Virgo according to anything I've read
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
Ear piercings
09) Worst Habit?
Well, I have this serious caffeine addition (there's a valid reason for the username, y'know), but I actually like that, so I'll go with my awful habit of totally failing to put things away when I'm done with them. Tends to result in horrifying disorder in my home and office.
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
I, too, am carless, so no. I'd give you a bus ticket if you needed one.
11) What is your favorite sport?
Not really a sport person. As a participant, swimming; as for watching, mostly just can't be bothered.
12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude?
I call it optimistic realism. I hope for the best, but am rarely surprised or disappointed by even the very bad stuff.
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Do you sing? If so, there would probably be a sing-along.
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Don't want to talk about it just now, thanks.
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
I find it nearly impossible to be completely silent when I'm on the move. I am almost always singing, humming, or snapping along with the tune playing in my head (my life has a soundtrack). I suspect that this may be excessively annoying to other people, although I believe my staff use it as a tracking tool ("I hear her coming, quick, look like we're working!").
16) Do you have any pets?
One cat, Chloe.
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
"Come on in, what would you like to drink, do you play Mah Jongg, 'cause we need a fourth..."
18) What was your first impression of me?
Oh my God, where does she get all that energy?
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
Well, I'd say creepy rather than scary, but definitely not cute.
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
Well, technically, I could change it - but it would involve a diet and exercise. Oh, and I'd like curly hair.
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Well, I have this tendency to always pull in the opposite direction, so if you're a troublemaker, I'm probably wearing a halo, and if you're the responsible one, I'd put on the horns and tail.
22) What color eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
Um... not quite. No, I don't care to explain.
24) Bottled or tap water?
Tap, of course. Bottled water is evil.
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
10% to charity; 45% for frivolous, immediate gratification-type things, and 45% to pay down debt.
26) What's your favorite place to hang out at?
Varies: I love sitting on my front porch, enjoying my yard, but that's not so pleasant in the middle of winter. At a friend's house, or at my favourite coffee shop, maybe.
27) Do you believe in ghosts?
No. I don't precisely not believe in them either, though.
28) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Read fanfic. Quilt. Play Mah Jongg. Go to movies. Watch DVD boxed sets straight through with my similarly obsessed friends.
29) Do you swear a lot?
I try not to. Depends on who I'm hanging out with.
30) Biggest pet peeve?
People who automatically ascribe the worst possible motives to other peoples' actions.
31) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
One word? Really? Well then, I'll go with "adaptable".
32) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. Lust at first sight? Absolutely. Like at first sight? Sure. Love takes time and knowledge and effort and understanding. It's brewed, not instant.
33) Favorite and least favorite food?
Varies depending on my state of mind. I don't have many dislikes although I generally don't like caraway flavoured anything. Today, my favourite is tiramisu, but that's just because I found a new recipe. Tomorrow, it will be something different.
34) Do you believe in God?
35) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
That involves actually posting something in my journal, doesn't it. That will make two entries. Fine, I'll go do that right now.

OK, so I've done it. Maybe I'll actually try posting that recc list now. Could happen...


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