Finally, I post my first entry

Jul 01, 2008 11:35

After finding that links to a couple of favourite fics had stopped working, I decided that it was time to panic. In this context, panicking involves saving copies of all my favourite fics to my hard drive. Almost immediately I ran into the problem of deciding what to save. Obviously, I think, I should start with the things I’ve already seen fit to tag, bookmark, or archive in some manner.

So I wander off look at my archive, and discover that I am an incredibly random and inconsistent archivist. There are many fics that I know I loved, and which I did not tag. As a result, I’ve been out wandering in the wilderness, trying to track down half-remembered stories with no real idea of where I came across them. Then when I do find one, I find myself re-reading it, which slows down the whole crucial process of archiving.

I should make clear that I do not intend to post these fics anywhere and I understand that I may miss out on revisions made by the author. Personal use only, I promise.

As I’ve been going through this exercise, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I read, and what I consider worth archiving, and it seems to me that this is a good topic to talk about in a post. I’m slightly embarrassed about the fact that I’ve been hanging about LiveJournal for a couple of years now, mostly reading fiction and occasionally commenting on other people’s stuff, but have never posted anything in my own journal.

In general, most of my reading is in the Whedon!verse or in Harry Potter. More specifically, I tend to read Harry/Draco and Spike/Xander.

I haven’t quite worked up the nerve to post any fic myself. More to the point, I haven’t quite managed to finish writing the ones that I’ve started. I’m a great starter of things. Not quite so strong on the finishing. Attention span of a small child.

Once I've gotten my teeth into an idea, however, I do have a fair degree of tenacity. So I'm setting myself the task of creating my own rec lists, so that I can find stuff more easily. Most times I'll try to give myself a topic, so that there's some coherence to each list.

I suppose that I can also use this opportunity to start learning HTML. I'm such a babe-in-the-woods at this posting stuff!

First list to post today!

And Happy Canada Day, to my fellow Canadians!


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