(no subject)

Jun 07, 2008 10:56

Teach Me

“Ville” Bam smiled, kissing Ville softly.  He grinned, pulling Bam into his lap, causing the younger man to laugh.

“Yes BamBam?  Ville replied, moving some of the unruly hair from the American’s eyes.

“Do we still have to study?  Can’t we just play?”  Bam pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.  Ville grinned and kissed him softly.

“You will never get better if you don’t.”  Ville replied, kissing Bam’s neck.

“But I don’t want to anymore!”  Bam wined, wrapping his arms and legs around Ville.  Ville placed his hands on Bam’s hips and helped him on his lap.

“I didn’t say that you would be doing that kind of studying, did I?”  Ville asked, causing Bam to grin when he knew what the Finn was thinking.

“Ville.”  Bam sighed.  Then, out of no ware, Bam slapped Ville’s face, causing the Finn to open his then closed eyes and put his hand to his burning face.

“What was that for BamBam?”  Ville grinned, thinking Bam was starting to play his own game.  Bam hit his face again, and then started shaking his shoulders.

666End of Dream666

“Holly Fuck!  You sick asshole!”  Jonne screamed, causing Ville to jolt up, only to find Jonne sitting on his lap.

“What the hell are you doing on my lap?”  Ville cried, pushing Jonne off him.  Jonne groaned as he fell on his back on the ground.  Ville noticed that he was still on the teacher’s desk.  Looking down at a traumatized Jonne, Ville cocked a brow, wanting an explanation from the blonde Finn.

“I was TRYING to wake you up.  Now, a question for you.  Why the hell did, never mind, DO you have a bonner?  Ville looked down at his pants and his eyes grew two times larger.  Staring still at his bonner, a soft blush started forming on his cheeks, causing Jonne to burst out laughing.

“Looks like Ville is having naughty dreams again!  Tell me, who is it this time?  Miege?  Linde?  Me?”  Jonne laughed, tears forming in his eyes.  Ville glared down at him, but the blonde Finn didn’t seem to notice.

“It was none of you guys.”  Ville mumbled, getting off the desk.  He walked over to his guitar and picked it up, putting it in its case.

“Then who?  Is it Jussi?  I saw the way you were looking at another three nights ago.”  Jonne pressed, causing Ville to sigh in annoyance.  There was no way to lie to Jonne, and it would eventually come out.  Ville seemed to always speak the truth when he was drunk, so Jonne would probably just spike one of his drinks to get the facts.

“It was Bam.”

“Oooh!  Who’s Bam?”  Is he a new demon?  Angel?  Sin?  I should have known it wasn’t someone I knew!  You wouldn’t have blushed!  Oooh, you must really be attracted to Bam!”

“He isn’t any of the things you listed.”  Ville said, knowing that Jonne would eventually find out.  He just wanted to keep him guessing a little longer for the fun of it.

“Alright.  So, if he’s not anyone I know, or any of those kind of people, then he must be....a Goddess with a male’s name!”  Jonne said snapping his fingers.

“No, that’s not it.”  Ville laughed.  The last time Ville had been attracted to a woman was over 100 years ago.  He wasn’t gay, he was Bi, but tended to lean towards the men more then the women.

“You’re right.  You haven’t liked a women for a while.”  Jonne said, his smile turning into a frown.  While Jonne was thinking, Ville looked around the room, seeing if there was anything that he was missing.  Seeing that he had packed away everything, Ville smiled and looked at the clock.

His smile turned into a panicked look, and he gasped in shock.  The bell had rung fifteen minutes ago, and he had slept through it.  It must have been the phone in his dream that had ringed.  It had been a very obnoxious phone, and he now knew why.

“Fuck.”  Ville hissed, grabbing his things and running towards the door.

“Where the hell are you going?”  Jonne asked, running after him, picking up some of the things that Ville was dropping.

“”I’m supposed to be meeting someone and I’m fifteen minutes late!”  Ville cried, running to the room Bam had told him to go to.

“Who?”  Jonne asked, catching up to Ville.  Ville was never the best runner, so it didn’t take to long for Jonne to come up besides him.

“You’ll see.”  Ville replied, feeling his lungs start to burn.  Coming up to the room, Ville slammed the door open.  Opening his eyes after trying to regain his breath, Vile noticed that there were at least twenty students sitting down with pencils in their hands, and papers in front of them.  Also, the teacher, looking like she just came out of a princess book, due to her dress that had a shit load of sparkles, was staring with wide eyes at Ville.

“Can I help you?”  She asked, standing up from her seat and walking over to Ville and Jonne, who was standing outside the door, trying to peak in.

“Didn’t school end fifteen minutes ago?”  Ville asked, still staring at the students.

“No, why do you ask?”  She asked, now standing right in front of Ville with a stern look on her face.

“Didn’t the bell ring?”  Ville asked, completely confused.

“Look, I know this is my first year teaching, but you don’t have to give me such a hard time.  What class did you come from?”

“I’m not a student, I am the guest speaker teaching about The Seven Deadly Sins for Mr. Cullen’s classes.”  Ville laughed, watching the women’s face turn from a stern one too an embarrassed one.

“Oh!  I am so sorry.  Mr. Cullen hasn’t fixed his clock.  Its twenty-five minutes late.  That reminds me, class, you have eight minutes left.  Five for the test.  Keep up the good work.”  She smiled, and looked back at Ville.

“That would explain a lot.”  Ville laughed.  Maybe the phone ring in his dream really was just part of his dream.

“So, was there something you wanted?”  The teacher asked.

“I’m sure you didn’t just want to tell me that school was over.”  She laughed.  Ville smiled and nodded.

“Bam’s mother wanted me to give him some tickets for the CKY concert.  That’s all.  She won’t be at home, and she didn’t want his friends to take them and lose them.”  Ville smiled.

“Oh, well, he is in the back.”  She said, pointing to the one student who was looking at his test with a blank stare.

“Thank you.”  Ville said, and walked over to the younger man who was staring at the test, willing it to write the answers itself.  Jonne, however, stayed by the door, shaking his head in disapproval at how Bam was.  It wasn’t because Jonne had feelings for Ville, because he didn’t.  He wasn’t jealous.  It was because Bam was a human.  Humans and Sins never worked greatly with another.

“Hello sweetheart.”  Ville whispered in Bam’s ear, causing the younger man to slightly jump and look up at him with large, shocked eyes.  Seeing that it was Ville, Bam smiled and laughed.

“Hey Ville!  You scared me.”  Bam whispered, smiling as Ville sat down on his desk, smiling back at him.

“Are you ready?”  Ville asked, already knowing the answer.

“I’m always ready.”  Bam smiled, not knowing what those words had triggered in Ville.  Ville noticed however, and tried to think of things that would tame his ‘little friend’ down below.

“Good.”  Ville replied, getting off the desk and having Bam follow him to the door.

“Bam, you know the rules.”  The teacher said, staring at him.

“His mother wanted me to take him home so he wouldn’t get in trouble.”  Ville replied.

“Then who is he?”  She asked, pointing at Jonne.

“I’m Bam’s cousin from Finland.”  Jonne smiled at the women.

“Haven’t seen him for years, so he is coming home early.  You know, so we can catch up a little.”

“Oh.  Alright then.”  She said, seeing how they only had five minutes left before the bell rang.

The three men walked out of the room and walked towards the doors that led out of the school.  Jonne gave some of the things back to Ville that he had dropped.  Just as they came to the sidewalk, they heard the bell ring and a whole commotion break loose in the school.

“Thank God we got out now.  It’s like a mosh-pit in there when the bell rings.”  Bam laughed.

“Speaking of mosh-pits, your mom really did get you some tickets to the CKY concert.”  Ville said, grabbing them out of his coat pocket.

“What do you mean ‘really’?  And how did you get them?”

“That was my excuse for bursting into class like a crazy man, and your mom came by the school and gave them to me.  Apparently, you have told you a lot about me.  One day and you seem to know a lot.”  Ville smiled as Bam blushed.  Then, Bam started laughing.

“You thought that you were late didn’t you?  You were probably sleeping and then saw the clock!”  Bam laughed, Jonne laughing as well.

“You should have seen his face as he looked at the clock!”  Jonne said, laughing even harder with Bam.

“Yeah, yeah, very funny.  Which way do we go?”  Ville asked, stopping at the edge of the sidewalk.

“This way.”  Bam said, walking past hi, going up the sidewalk.  Ville quickened his pace so that he was walking with Bam, Jonne lacking behind due to still having most of the things Ville had dropped.


I’m home!”  Bam yelled as they walked through the two very large doors to his house.  Jonne couldn’t help but start to explore the house.  Walking away from Ville and Bam, Jonne went over and looked at a very cute lamp that was placed besides a very comfortable looking couch.

“Are your friends here as well?”  Ape called from the kitchen.

“Yep!”  Bam said, an evil grin coming to his face.  Sure, Ville and Jonne were somewhat his friends, but he knew whom his mother was talking about.  He heard something being dropped, and then very quick footsteps approaching them.

“Oh please don’t let them break my new lamp!”  Ape yelled, finally coming into the room, her apron disheveled like her hair.  Then a blush came to her ace as she saw whom it was.

“Hello again Mrs. Margera.”  Ville smiled, walking away from Bam, taking Ape’s hand, and bringing it to his lips.  He kissed it softly and put it down, making Ape blush.

“Long time no see.”  Ape smiled at Ville.  She prayed to God that if Ville really was one of Bam’s friends, that he would become a good one.  Ville didn’t look like the kind of person who would destroy everything.  That’s what Ape liked about him.  There was also the small chance that Bam would do less crazy things if Ville became a good friend of his.

“That’s Jonne over there.”  Ville said, pointing over at his blonde friend, who was still looking at the lamp.  Jonne looked over at Ville and Ape when he heard his name, and walked over.

“I love your lamp.  Where did you get it?”  Jonne asked.  Jonne loved any thing that sparkled, and the lamp had glitter all over it.

“Oh, I got it in New York.  I went this morning.  My art class thought that it would be a good place to get some inspiration and to have a change of scenery.  I thought that I wouldn’t be home in time for you guys, but it looks like I was wrong.”

“Well, it looks like I should start helping Bam with his school work.  I will see you soon Mrs. Margera.”  Ville smiled, nodding her a goodbye and walking over to Bam.

Bam grinned and picked up his bag, leading the way to his room.  Jonne stayed behind with Ape, for he had hated schoolwork when he had to do it.  That was around 600 years ago, but he still had horrible dreams about multiplying, the different parts of the human body, and most of all...spelling.


“Ville, do we still have to study>?  I’m board.”  Bam whined, putting his head in Ville’s lap, looking up at the Finn.  Ville smiled, thinking about his dream in the classroom and how it seemed to repeat it.  Well, besides something’s here and there.  Such as, Bam and Ville weren’t doing things that Ville wanted them to be doing.

“You will never get better if you don’t.  Ville said, flipping a page in the Math book he was holding.

“I know...Can’t we go out for dinner or something?  Watch a movie?  Do ANYTHING but this?”  Bam asked.  Once again, Ville felt something stir, and prayed to whoever heard him, that he wouldn’t get a bonner when Bam’s head was on his lap.  The thought of Bam’s face in his lap didn’t help what so ever, so he knew there was only one thing to do.

“Fine, what do you want to do?  Ville asked.  Bam instantly sat up and turned around to look at the Finnish man.

“Let’s go get something to eat!”  Bam smiled, standing up and offering his hand to Ville.  The Finn smiled and took Bam’s hand and stood up as well.  They both forgot to let go of the others hand, and they walked out of Bam’s room.

Walking down the stares, Jonne looked up at them from the book he was reading.  He cocked a brow, seeing that Bam and Ville were holding hands, but shrugged it off.  Ville had always been very affectionate.  Also, if Bam was the person Ville had dreamed about, of course Ville would be holding hands with him!  Even if Bam didn’t know about Ville’s feelings towards him.

Still not knowing that they were holding hands, Bam and Ville made their way to one of Bam’s favorite restaurants.  It was a farley large place, and it was also one of the most popular restaurants in West Chester.

Walking in, Bam and Ville got many stares, and they still didn’t know why.  Walking over to a man that was standing behind a podium, Bam asked for a table.

“Of course., one just opened up.”  The man said, looking down at their hands that were intertwined.  He shrugged it off.  He had seen practically any kind of couple in his ten years of working at the restaurant, and the gay ones were probably one of the most normal.


Ville and Bam were now walking out of the restaurant after Bam had paid for their food and drinks.  They weren’t holding hands anymore, and t hey still dint’ know that they had been before.  They were too caught up in talking that they didn’t realize that they hadn’t been alone at the restraint.  To them, it felt like they were the only people.  They had forgotten about everyone else in the room.  .

“And that’s how I met Jonne.  Who knew that a Cherrie flavored lollypop would cause tow people to become such good friends?”  Ville chuckled, looking down at Bam.

“Maybe that’s why people spend so much money on candy.”  Bam laughed.  He looked over his shoulder and smiled widely.  Ville noticed that Bam’s attention was somewhere else, and cocked a brow.

“What is it?”  He asked.

“A park!  I used to go to this park all the time.”  Bam smiled, starting to walk towards it.  Ville followed him over to the swings.  Bam sat down one, and Ville went behind him and started to push him, causing Bam to laugh happily.

“Why did you stop going?”  Ville asked, as Bam got higher into he air.

“School friends, skateboarding.  I didn’t really have enough time anymore for things like this.”  Bam laughed, as he got even higher.

“Well, I think you should go more often.  You seem to love it here.”  Ville smiled.  A snapping twig caused Ville’s attention to be taken from Bam, and he looked over towards the woods that surrounded the park.  Looking even harder, trying to find out what had made the sound, Ville forgot to watch out for Bam as he came back down.

When Bam came back, he accidentally hit the Finn, causing Ville to fly backwards and into the ground.  Luckily for him, the ground was very soft, white sand.  Bam instantly jumped off the swing and ran to Ville’s side.  A million apologies poured from his lips as Bam helped the stunned Finnish man sit up and dust him off.

“I am sorry!”  Bam cried, wrapping his arms around the fragile ma.

“Bam, it’s fine.”  Ville tried to say, but Bam held him tighter.

“I could have killed you!”

‘Bam, I highly doubt that you could have killed me.”  Ville laughed.  When Bam didn’t look convinced, Ville pushed him to the ground and stood up, looking down at Bam.  With a grin, Ville bent down and tapped Bam’s head lightly.

“Tag.”  He laughed, and ran off.  Bam got up and laughed, running after the Finnish man.  “That’s not fair!”  Bam laughed as he chased Ville up some stares leading to a slide.  Vile laughed as he slid down the large slide.  He made his way over to another play item and climbed up the tares to the top.  There was a steering wheel and a fake compass.  Ville turned the wheel and smiled.  That was one of his favorite things to do when he was younger.  Pretend that he was a pirate.

Ville jumped as Bam slapped his shoulder, causing Ville to cry out.  Bam stopped in his tracks, thinking that he had hurt the man, but when Ville turned around, grinning like a man possessed, Bam laughed and ran down the stares.

“Come back Bammie!”  Ville yelled running after him.  He felt his lungs burning for the second time that day, but he pushed the feeling away.  He was having too much fun to let his asthma and years of smoking get to him now.

Bam looked over his shoulder and saw Ville chasing him.  Grinning, Bam looked back in front of him.  Running even faster, he didn’t notice that his shoes had come undone, and tripped over his laces.  Falling onto his stomach, he flipped over to see Ville running up to him, panting.

Bending over to catch his breath, Ville looked down at Bam and grinned, tapping his foot into Bam’s side.  Bam laughed at Ville’s pathetic way of tagging him.  He grabbed Ville’s hand and yanked him down, causing the Finn to land on his stomach.

Something in Bam stirred, causing Bam to become very confused.  ‘What’s going on?  What am I feeling?’  Bam asked himself.  When Ville moved a little, the feeling grew, causing Bam to softly moan.  Ville didn’t hear him, however, because a car had passed by the park.  Drowning out the sound.  Then, Bam remembered what the feeling was, and it shocked and embarrassed him.

He felt his pants become much too tight, and he thanked God that Ville had decided to get off of him just seconds before.  Ville was sitting besides Bam now, just starting to regain his breath.  As Bam looked at him, he couldn’t help but think that he was the most beautiful person that Bam had ever seen.  His soft, brown curls that just came to his shoulders, and his green eyes that were shining from the moon, which was their only source of light.

“Ville, I have a question.”  Bam said, deeply entranced by the Fin that was now lying down next to Bam, his head resting on Bam’s stomach.  Just inches away from Bam’s quite large problem.

“What would that be BamBam?”  Ville asked, looking up into Bam’s eyes.  Ville know fully well about Bam’s ‘problem’.  Bam was good, but not that good at trying to hide it.

“How...how do...ah...-“  Bam stuttered, not knowing hot to ask that question.

“Just spit it out darling.  It won’t laugh.”  Ville smiled.  Bam couldn’t keep his eyes still for one second, and his hand were twitching.  Ville’s smile grew larger, praying that Bam wanted what he did.

“How do men fuck another?”  Bam blurted out, hiding his face behind his hair.  Ville laid there, somewhat stunned.  He then sat up, and Bam started to panic, thinking that Ville was going to leave him.  Bam was shocked when he felt Ville’s hand come up to his face and brushed away the hair that hid Bam’s face from him.

“’Fuck’ is such a harsh word to use for something so beautiful darling.”  Ville smiled, keeping his palm on Bam’s cheek.

“Oh, sorry.”  Bam blushed.

“When men make love with another, it is quite different, as you probably know.”  Ville replied.  Bam nodded, his eyes growing larger. 
“I know.”  Bam said, wanting Ville to continue.  Ville smiled, stroking Bam’s cheek.  Bam tilted his face closer to Ville’s hand, making Ville’s smile grow.

“I can’t explain it.”  Ville said, causing Bam to start to pout.  Ville shushed him, and smiled.  Ville leaned in, having his lips next to Bam’s ear.

“But I can show you.”  He whispered, placing a soft kiss to Bam’s ear.  Bam’s stomach was now ablaze.  He couldn’t control himself anymore, and let out a soft moan.  There was no car to cover up the sound this time.  When Ville heard Bam’s soft moan, he moved slightly so that he could softly press his lips to Bam’s cheek.  So close, yet so far from Bam’s own lips.  .

Ville took Bam into his arms, moving him so that he was then startling Ville’s lap. . Bam gasped as his arousal brushed against Ville’s.  Ville stopped his soft kisses that were trailing down Bam’s neck when he heard another twig snap.

Looking over Bam’s shoulder, Ville saw someone walking towards the park.  The first twig snap was probably an animal, Ville had thought at the time, but now, he wasn’t sure.  Bam wrapped his arms around Ville and wriggled in his lap, trying to get his attention back.

“Bam, someone’s coming.”  Ville whispered, causing Bam to freeze.

“What do you mean?”  Bam asked, moving closer to Ville.  Bam had never liked the dark, but being with Ville had made it less menacing.  Now that there was someone else in the picture, the darkness was looking quite menacing again.

“Bam?  IS that you?”  The man asked, walking closer.  The person sounded familiar so that was at least something positive.  The question was, why the person sounded familiar?’

Was he some rapist that Bam saw on the News when hew as channel surfing?  Was it a crazy fan?  Even worse, was it a crazy fan’s lover wanting to kill him?  All those things were running through Bam’s head, and he held onto Ville tighter, trying to get as close to him as possible.

To make matters even worse, Bam was getting even harder.  Just being near Ville gave him a strange feeling, but being on top of him was another story.  Having Ville, just seconds ago, kiss him so softly.  Having him about to show him how men loved another.

As Bam moved even closer to Ville, their bodies practically became one, Bam felt and heard Ville moan.  Bam’s cheek was pressed against Ville’s neck, and he had felt it vibrate as Ville moaned again, due to the fact that Bam had accidentally thrusted his hips against Ville to get closer.

“Quit doing that Bam.  We might have a problem if you continue.”  Ville warned, his lips now next to Bam’s ear again.  Ville placed a soft kiss behind Bam’s ear, and Bam jumped.

“That is you, Bam!”  The man yelled, now standing close enough to see Bam and Ville.  Due to the poor light though, he didn’t seen anything that he shouldn’t have.

“Oh!  Ryan!”  Bam smiled, no longer afraid.  He felt Ville move his face so that he was also looking up at Bam’s friend.

“What are you guys doing?”  Ryan asked.  It wasn’t like Bam to sit on people’s laps.  It actually wasn’t like Bam to be at a park at 11:30 either.  Ryan was not confused beyond belief.

“We were walking home and Bam remembered that he had left his coat here at the park.  We had visited it earlier, before going to dinner and getting drinks, so we went back.  Bam thought he heard something coming from the woods, and got scared.  I was only trying to calm him down.”  Ville replied, smiling to himself.  Then a thought came to mind.  What happened if Bam didn’t get scared of such little tings like snapping twigs?

“I can see that.  Bam has always been afraid of the dark.  Ever since Novak-“

“Don’t you dare.”  Bam threatened, not wanting Ville to know what Novak had done.  Novak had dressed up like the person in Halloween and had jumped out of his closet when Bam had turned off the lights.  It had practically scared the piss out of him.

“Well, I think we should go.  Don’t leave your coat behind this time.”  Ville said, breaking the silence that had fallen.  Bam untangled himself from Ville, and stood up.  He held his hand out for Ville, but he didn’t take it.  Bam shrugged it off.  Ville probably didn’t see it because of the poor light.  That’s all.

Standing up, Ville brushed himself off and walked past Bam.  Bam felt something sting him inside, and he didn’t know what it was.  All Ville did was walk past him.  He probably thought that Bam would follow.

As Bam started following him, walking up to his side, Ville stopped.  Bam stopped as well and looked up at Ville with a confused stare. 
“Bam you’re going the wrong way.”  Ville said, not looking down at him.

“What do you mean?”  Bam asked, feeling hurt.

“Your home is the other way Bam.  My place is that way.  I’ll see you in class on Monday.”  Ville replied, and then started walking again.  Bam suddenly felt very cold.  He felt his heard being tarred to shreds as he watched Ville keep walking.

Bam felt his heart start to beat faster, and his eyes start to sting with tears.  He didn’t know why these emotions were hitting him like they were.  He was becoming even more confused with each step Ville took.

The reason being, each step Ville took made Bam want to break down into tears even more.  Even though Bam’s throat felt like something was clawing it from the inside, he still managed to call out to Ville.

“Bye Vile.”  He knew Ville could hear him.  Hell, Ryan could hear him and he was further away.  Still, the silence that followed after was what made Bam fall apart.  Ville didn’t even look back, and that hurt Bam the most.

He didn’t know why this got to him, but it did, and he knew it shouldn’t.  Watching the Finnish man walk further and further away, for a few more seconds, Bam finally turned around and walked towards Dunn.

“What’s the matter?”  Dunn asked, sensing Bam’s sudden change of mood.  Bam didn’t answer.  He just kept walking.  Just like Ville. 

bam margera, vam, ville valo

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