K.C. is really upset as there are a bunch of dogs going to be put to sleep tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday because funds are low and there are just too many to try to save.
The dogs are pictured here
http://www.savingspaldingpets.blogspot.com/ (note the cats pictured have been rescued today)
and here
http://www.shelterrescue.org/id1.html There are a couple of pregnant dogs, a mom with pups, purebreds (some we have managed to get breed specific rescues for the purebreds) and just plain old mutt dogs that are in a sad situation. And Yes, they will put to sleep the mom and her pups and the pregnant dogs. :( If we don't act fast most will be dead by the weekend.
K.C. has put a challenge out there to match up to 750 dollars for donations to these animals. So for every donation, K.C. will match it. She is using her savings for what she feels is a good cause.
If anyone would like to take her up on her challenge you can paypal me 67_chevelle@verizon.net and all monies will be forwarded to Death Row Dog Rescue to pull some of these sweeties before their time is up. We know we can't save them all this week but we will save as many as possible.
Remember even one dollar will become two dollars with K.C. matching the funds. Everyone knows me and I will personally guarantee your donation will be doubled through K.C.s pledge.
Once funds are sent to Death Row Dog Rescue, I will post or email the paypal receipt to assure all funds were sent for the doggies' benefit.
If you prefer to send donations directly to DRDR the paypal is michelle@lteconline.com but you will need to forward a copy of the receipt to Suzy at talulaughbell@aol.com so she can keep track of the amount K.C. needs to match.
Thank you all and please wish us luck! We could use a miracle this week!