The half brother Chapter 9 - Part 2

Nov 19, 2017 13:24

Title: The half brother
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: AU: John left when Mary got pregnant with Dean. Few years later he came back with a new family. Now, almost 17 years later, Sam and Dean learn what it means to be brothers.
Beta’d by: Lotrspnfangirl and Renversermonmonde (Trickstermoose67 on tumblr)

AN:Huges thanks to both Lotrspnfangirl and Renversermonmonde. I couldn’t do this without them.

Chapter 9 - Part 2

On Sunday evening, the whole gang got together in Benny’s room as planned to watch the Walking Dead episode. After the episode, they started playing a car-racing game. Right now, Ash was sitting backwards on Benny’s deckchair, Dean and Jo were lying at the end of Benny’s bed, and Benny and Charlie were lying on the floor in what Dean would call a race to the death, just from how competitive the two of them were.

“Cas knows you bat for the same team, right?” asked Ash all of the sudden.

Since Dean still hadn’t told his friends about his date with Castiel, he said, “Yeah, and he didn’t even freak when he found out. Unlike some people.” He finished his thought by looking at Benny.

“Hey, I said I was sorry! You just ‘came out’ out of the blue! How was I supposed to react?” asked Benny turning around to look at Dean before quickly turning his attention back to the game when he realized Charlie had pulled ahead.

“Out of the blue, my ass,” muttered Jo, rolling her eyes.

“You were the only one that hadn’t figured it out. I’d always figured Ash would be the last one,” said Charlie with her tongue sticking out in concentration. “It was kind of funny, when you think about it.”

“It wasn’t funny at all. I had just found out my best friend liked guys! I was allowed to freak out a little bit, since I don’t know, I’m a guy.” Benny rolled his eyes but nudged Dean’s leg, letting him know he was half-joking.

“Yeah, a little bit. But not for two days! Dean was going out of his mind with worry that he had lost you forever. I’m pretty sure he was about to ram himself back into the closet, just for you,” answered Charlie with an intensity that made Dean raise his eyebrows. He opened his mouth to calm the situation before Charlie really went off on Benny, they’d gotten past it and were in a good place now, no need to bring up the past. But Jo spoke first.

“That would have been so funny if Dean had gone back into the closet and Benny had come out at the same time, like he tried to!”

“What?” and “He tried to do what?” sounded all over the room at the same time Benny said, “Shut up, Jo!”

“Wait! You never told them? How am I the only one that knows?” asked Jo, eyes wide.

“Because you were the only one that caught me in the act and I thought we agreed to never speak of it again!” answered Benny, who to Dean’s amazement was actually blushing.

“Okay, spill, now!” said Charlie, who had totally forgotten the game she had been playing against Benny and her half of the screen now had a big Game Over across it.

Biting her lip, Jo looked over to Benny, silently asking for permission. After a short time Benny let out a long breath before saying, “Fine, go ahead. They are never going to give up asking so lets just get it over with.”

Jo waited another moment, contemplating Benny’s expression, before launching into the story. “Benny only freaked out about Dean being gay for like half a day. Then he started freaking out about what he should do when Dean would eventually fall madly in love with him, because in his mind, that was bound to happen eventually.”

Dean was glad Benny couldn’t see the look he and Charlie shared. Charlie was one of the few people that knew about the crush Dean used to have on Benny back then.

“I was twelve, give me a break! Besides, you’ve seen what this town has to offer. You and Dean don’t exactly have many good guys to choose from.” Benny shrugged, looking away from Jo and then addressing the entire group. “I mean, there is no wonder Charlie is gay.”

“Are you sure you’re not gay, Benny? I mean you seem to have put a lot of thought into the boys of this town,” asked Ash before getting a pillow in the face from his friend. “Pillow fight? Really? That’s your defense?”

“Guys, give him a break. It was a hard, confusing time for him,” said Jo.

“Why am I friends with you guys?” Benny asked himself out loud.

“Because I am awesome!” said Dean immediately, only to get a huff from Benny in return.

“Because I know how to fix your computer?” Ash half asked only to get a “You mean, you know how to use it, unlike Benny,” from Dean.

Benny didn’t really disagree with Jo’s “Because I am hot!” statement, even though they all knew that was far from being the reason for their friendship.

“Because I help you with your homework,” answered Charlie last. “Plus, I own all of the good tv-shows.”

“Hey, do you want to hear the rest of this story or not?” asked Jo.

After getting “Hell yes!” from everybody except Benny, who just grunted before restarting the game he and Charlie were playing and taking the lead for the first time that day, Jo continued.

“So, I went over to Benny’s house to try to kick some sense into him after he’d ignored Dean for almost two days. When I got there, his mom just told me that he was in his room and I could just go right in. When I opened the door, the first thing I see is wide-eyed Benny reading Texas Hunky-something…”

“Hunky Texans, it’s the male version of Sexy Asian Beauty,” Benny corrected, his entire body moving with the controller as he went around a turn in the game. “It was either that or Balls of Steel or something.”

“You were looking at gay porn for Dean?” asked Charlie.

“Well, I wasn’t going to go look for it on the internet. Looking at that magazine was traumatizing enough!”

“I don’t think I have ever seen him more freaked out in my life,” said Jo laughing.

Ash looked deep in thought before he said, “I still don’t get why you were looking at gay porn.”

“Well,” Benny shrugged, ears just as red as his cheeks, “I figured since Dean and I had always done everything together, now that Dean was gay, I would have to get used to all the gay stuff. I mean, especially if I was going to have to be gay with him.” Benny cleared his throat and shrugged. “I think it was just temporary insanity. No big deal!”

With a “You were gonna be gay for me?!” Dean jumped on top of Benny and whispered in his ear, “Do you still have it?”

With a laugh, Benny pointed to his closet and said, “I threw it under the closet when I noticed Jo, it should still be there. It’s all yours brother if you can get it. Back then, I thought about trying to get it and give it to you as a “welcome out” present, but it didn’t seem right so I didn’t bother trying to get it.”

Dean, who was now lying on the floor trying to get the magazine with the help of Jo and two pens, turned his head to look back at Benny. “So you gave me a condom and a banana instead?”

“Hey! You said that was the best banana you ever had!”

“Best ban- What the hell did you do with that banana?” asked Charlie with her eyes wide open and a wicked smile on her lips.

“I ate it! Get your mind out of the gutter.” He gave Charlie a pointed look before turning back to the closet. “Aha, got you!” yelled Dean as he pulled the magazine far enough out so he could pick it up. “Hello, sexy!”

Jumping back onto the bed, Dean got comfortable resting against the headboard. He’d hardly gotten the chance to flip through the first pages and admire the view when both the girls demanded that he share. Why Charlie wanted to see some pictures of half naked men so much was beyond Dean. And he was not going to ask since he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. With a little maneuvering, he ended on his stomach in the center of the floor with the girls on either side of him and the magazine open in front of them.

“That does not look comfortable! Can guys really do that?” asked Ash looking at the page Dean was on, upside down from where he was sitting. The position in question didn’t look that difficult from Dean’s perspective and he was 90% sure that he and Castiel could pull it off. He just needed to find the courage to ask Castiel to try it with him.

It was easy for Dean to decide which one of the pictures was his favorite. In the middle of the magazine was ‘Misha the Pizza Guy’, who just happened to look a lot like Castiel. They both had blue eyes, dark short hair, and were very, very well built. Even though the guy was really, really hot, Dean couldn’t help but think about the photo of Castiel in the pizza delivery outfit.

- Supernatural -

A few days later, Dean and Castiel somehow found themselves locked alone in Charlie’s room. They had come over to hang out with her and Jo for a few hours and the next thing they knew, Charlie and Jo left the room to get some snacks and locked the door behind them.

“We have had enough of all the sexual tension between you two. This door is going to stay closed for the next hour or until you two get together!” called Charlie through the now locked door to her room.

“Did they just lock us in here?” asked Castiel. “Should we tell them that we have been together for days?”

“No, I’m just surprised they haven’t figured it out yet,” said Dean. “We should pretend to get really mad at each other or something?”

“Or we could do it on her bed?” suggested Cas as he walked over to Charlie’s bed. To say that Dean was at a loss for words was an understatement. His innocent little angel wasn’t so innocent after all.

“Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” joked Dean as he joined Castiel on the bed.

“It’s me, I promise,” said Castiel before reaching over and kissing Dean lightly on the lips. “I have wanted to do that all day. Remind me, why haven’t we told your friends about us again?”

“I just wanted to enjoy this for a little while before everyone starts asking questions. You know Charlie and Jo are going to give us the third degree, about how it happened, if we’ve gone on any dates, when our first kiss was, all of that when they find out, right?”

“Yeah, I know. So what do you wanna do for the next hour or so? We have our schoolbags, so we could finish our homew-- I just got an idea how we can fool the girls,” said Castiel before whispering his idea to Dean.

“Again, who are you?” said Dean with the biggest smile on his face.

When Charlie and Jo came back to check on the boys, they pressed their ears to the door and tried to hear what was going on on the other side.

They heard an out of breath Dean said, “Ohh, god Castiel, this is so good!” through the door. “More! I need more.”

“Wait! You have some on your face, here let me get it for you,” came Cas raspy voice a few seconds later. “You sure you want some more? Because I think I have some more for you.”

Charlie slowly put one of her hand on the door handle and her other one on the lock before she looked over to Jo, silently asking if she should open the door. After getting approval from Jo, Charlie unlocked the door before pushing it open.

The scene that greeted them didn’t really surprise them but was shocking all the same. There Dean was sitting, shirtless, on her bed with something white leaking down from his mouth and Castiel in the middle of trying to clean it up with his fingers.

“Oh my god! Did you just-- on my bed?” asked Charlie.

“I’m so sorry! Dean said it was okay,” said Castiel trying to hold a straight face even though Dean was laughing hysterically on the bed next to him. “Of course you don’t want us eating yogurt on your bed.”

“So you were just… Fine, we will just come back later. Come on Jo,” said Charlie and turned around to close the door again.

“We are already dating!” called Dean after them, which caused Charlie to turn around on the spot. “Plus, we could have just gone out the window like I use to do when we were younger.”

“You’re what? How? When? Why didn’t I know about it?” asked Charlie without giving them any time to answer as she sat down next to Dean. “I want to know everything!”

Jo trailed after her, a lot calmer than Charlie. “Finally, Charlie has been driving me crazy with plan D.E.S.T.I.E.L.”

“Plan what?” asked Dean and Castiel at the same time.

Charlie hit Dean hard in the shoulder before she said, “Never mind that. Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend?”

“Because I didn’t want you two to make a big deal out of it,” answered Dean.

“A big deal, when have I ever made a big deal out of anything?” asked Charlie shocked.

The three other shared a looked before Jo cleared her throat and said, “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Dean is right, sorry.”

“Fine, maybe I do. Now the two of you shut up,” said Charlie looking at Dean and Jo before turning her attention to Castiel. “Tell me everything!”

“Why does he get to tell it?” asked Dean, mildly offended.

“Because you have the tendency to skip the most interesting parts. Now, shush!” ordered Charlie.

The girls got the whole story from Castiel with few details from Dean. For an example, they got to hear everything about how awesome Castiel had been to get Dean the Impala for the night. The only thing Dean left out was how hard it was to return it to Bobby’s the day after.

As Dean, Castiel, and Jo were getting ready to head home for the night, Charlie pulled Dean to the side and asked, “Does Sam know about the two of you? Because he’s not gonna like it.”

“No, he doesn’t know yet,” answered Dean. "Castiel and I talked about it last night. We don’t want him to hear about it from someone else, so Castiel going to tell Sam about us after school tomorrow. I just have to hope Sam doesn’t kill me after he finds out.”

Even though Dean had only been half joking when he said that, he had not expected Charlie to look so worried. He quickly told her not to worry about Sam before going back over to Castiel and Jo who were ready and just waiting for him.

- Supernatural -

Not five minutes after her friends left, Charlie’s felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. When she looked at it, she found one new message from “Moose”. She wasn’t sure why she had picked that name for Sam, she just didn’t want Dean to accidentally see that she was talking to his brother and the name just seemed to fit Sam for some reason.

From: Moose
I just had a great idea for our essay. We’re still on for lunch tomorrow right?

Charlie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before replying.

To: Moose
Yes. See you then.

dean winchester, john winchester, spn, castiel, mary winchester, the-half-brother, fic, sam winchester

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