My Dream for CF …

Nov 07, 2013 10:55

Eva had many dreams for herself and for others suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. Near the end of her life, Eva began to dream of leaving a legacy that would carry on … a legacy of love and of hope and of remembrance. On February 18 2010, Eva wrote …

a mark on the world
a difference
some proof that i had been here
something to say that i mattered
that when my body left this world my soul had made its imprint

Well, this she has done. In the three and a half years since her death, Eva has inspired appeals and events that have raised 1.4 million dollars for CF research. We still receive letters and messages from those who continue to be inspired by her.
She has also had a huge impact on organ donor awareness through the 'Live life, pass it on' campaign that uses the images she created with her friend Cyrus.
At the recent CF 65 Roses Gala in Vancouver, this video 'My Dream for CF, was created to inspire people to contribute to the Keys to a Cure appeal. It was very successful. Eva truly has made a mark on the world.
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