65for65roses …. a great ride for a great cause!

Mar 10, 2014 00:20

65for65roses Eva's dad is turning 65 this spring. He thought it fitting to train for and to ride in the GearUp4CF 1200 km/9 day cycle from Vancouver to Banff in June. His goal is lofty ... to raise $65,000 for CF research, in honour of Eva and her 65_redroses legacy. Scientists are making amazing progress in developing new treatments that can significantly help CF sufferers. Training is very challenging but fundraising is even more difficult. All donations go to support CF research. How can you help?

SUPPORT Bill's ride. Go to the 65for65 blog and click on the donate button. You can also follow Bill's training as he prepares for the big ride over the next several months. FYI, a tax receipt will be issued by CF Canada for donations over $20.

SHARE this blog and fundraising appeal to all you know with an interest in supporting Eva's hope for a better life for CF patients.

Here is the blog URL! Thank you for your support


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