
Jan 25, 2010 16:13

dark blue city glimmers with orange lights
there is no sunrise to be seen today
hidden in the mist and fog

today is going to be a better day
i can feel it already

i've never felt that weak before

the last few days
unable to make even the smallest decisions
couldn't handle loud noises
a child
needing to be held
tended to

i was handed from one to the next
like a newborn is carefully passed around a room
'support her neck', 'gentle'
justin to quinn to rachel to beth to mum to dad and back to rachel who stayed the night

there is a magical level of intimacy involved in sleeping
our guards are dropped
innocence restored
i'm watching rachel in the glow of the grey clouds hovering above the mountains
her face like porcelain
her chest rises and falls
rises and falls
rises and falls

vgh, sleep, rachel

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