Supernatural Series,55-landslide,49-adore,40-comedy of error,3-sky,6-seize the day,50-murmur,60, 58

Jan 18, 2011 01:30

Title: Another Try
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean/Lisa
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 55 - landslide
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.

Dean was awake when Lisa climbed back into bed in the middle of the night.

"Looks like we start over tomorrow," she stared at the hem of her nightgown and worried it with her fingers.

"Oh, Lisa," Dean put his arm out and she laid down in his arms with her head on his chest. He could feel her tears on his skin. There were no words to make her feel any better. Another cycle of treatment had failed. He held her close, ran his fingers though her hair and kissed the top of her head, the only part of her he could actually see. "I'm sorry it didn't take. Are you sure you want to try again so soon? You could take a month off."

"Don't you want a baby anymore?" she looked up at him with glistening eyes. "Have I been doing this all for nothing?"

"Of course I'd like a baby, but not if it makes you this miserable."

"I just want a baby. How can that be so hard? Have I done something wrong where I don't deserve one? Am I a bad mother to Ben?"

"There aren't any answers. You've done nothing wrong and you are Super Mom. I have no idea how you have the energy for all you get done."

"Then why can't I get pregnant?"

"I don't know, baby. Just try to sleep. We'll call the doctors in the morning to set up the appointments. For now, get some rest."

Lisa sniffled. "You make a good pillow," she commented. "I got you all wet."

"I'll dry. It's no biggie. Remember how much I love you, Lisa. You and Ben are more than I could have ever hoped for. We're happy. I don't want you to forget that in all the pain of trying to conceive."

"Is it greedy to want more?"

"No, just human."

Title: Castiel Finds a Family
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Lisa/Dean/Castiel
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 49-adore

Lisa was worried about Dean. He'd grown more withdrawn over the last few weeks and she wasn't so sure it was from the long hours during the construction season.

"Your mind is laden with heavy thoughts," Castiel startled her. "Dean is as he should be. His issues with Sam didn't disappear after he leapt into the hole."

"I expect him to miss Sam. They were so close. I didn't think he could be so distant toward me."

The angel saw the tears in her eyes and wrapped his arms around her, wishing he could do more to protect such a gentle soul. "Rest assured that Dean will always return to you. He needs to travel this journey alone but you have not been forgotten."

She vaguely wondered when she had become so used to Castiel's unique speech patterns. They were so close that she just understood what he meant even if the words seemed off.

She couldn't help but ask, "How can you be sure?"

"Your name is written on his heart. It has been since the beginning and cannot be erased."

When she stopped trembling, she returned to making supper and looking out the window, just waiting for Dean to pull in the drive.


"Is Dean mad at me?" Ben was pushing his food around his plate instead of eating it.

"No, honey. Why would you think that?"

The boy shrugged and his mother waited him out, knowing that she couldn't pull the words from him until he was ready.

"He used to let me help work on the truck. Now, he's never around."

"It's just his job. The long hours wear him down. When fall comes, he'll have more time to hang around the house." Lisa found that she had also lost her appetite. She set her fork down. "How's your homework going?"

Ben beamed. "I'm finished. Cas helped."

"Do you mind that he has the bedroom that used to be for your toys?"

"It's better to play video games on the big television anyways. It's odd how he pops in and out of the house. I don't think he's ever come in the front door."

"I doubt he has," she couldn't help but smile. "He's always around if you need him, though. Just think of him and he'll appear."

"Where does he go when he's not here?"

Lisa didn't know the answer to that one. "You'll have to ask him, honey. Just make sure you have time for a long story when you do."

Satisfied, Ben dug into his dinner as only a growing boy could. Well, any growing boy or Dean.


That night, Lisa laid awake as Dean tossed and turned. The ideas that haunted him during the day came back as images in his dreams. When he jolted awake from a nightmare, she was right there to comfort him. They were drifting back to sleep in each other's arms when their bedroom door creaked.

"I sensed discontent," Castiel stated flatly. "I was uncertain if I was needed."

"Yes, Cas," Lisa replied.

Those two words spoke volumes coming from a woman who rarely asked for assistance. He nodded, walked to the opposite side of the bed and crawled in under the covers. Dean was nestled between the pair and sighed as he drifted off.

She knew about the deep connection that Dean had with Castiel. She understood it when she found out that he'd raised Dean up from hell. When she caught the angel studying the screen as her son blasted alien invaders, trying to grasp the concept so he could play along, she felt that all the pieces of her life were accounted for. They hadn't fallen into place and she guessed that it was her responsibility to get them in the right order, but the fact that they were all present was something she'd never experienced before.

Dean could love more than one person, she knew that. His heart could hold many people and he had the capacity to truly care about them all. Besides, Cas was by her side during troublesome times when Dean couldn't be and even sometimes when he was. She'd grown deeply fond of him and appreciated his awkward attempts to get to know her better. She'd seen the same sincerity reflected in his eyes and knew at once that he was a vital piece to bridge the gap between Dean's past and future.

They were a complimentary trio. Castiel supported Lisa and she patiently tried to teach him about the world he'd only ever observed. He knew how to reach Dean when she couldn't. And Dean, well, he had a fierce protective streak with the tenacity of a pit bull.

No one else had to reconcile the reasons for their unique relationship. They didn't try to appear as anything but who they were. If someone couldn't accept them all as one unit, they didn't deserve the opportunity to know three of the most interesting and honest people that they would ever meet.

Title: First Winter as a Family
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean/Lisa, Ben
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 40 - comedies of error

The snow fell softly out on the lawn. Dean sighed as he watched it from their upstairs bedroom window.

“Dean?” Lisa looked over from the bed to see him raking his fingers through his hair. “You okay, hon?”

“Yeah,” he faked a smile. “Looks like we have our first snowfall that might actually stick around. Might actually have to break out the shovel.”

Lisa rolled onto her side as the covers tangled around her waist. “You really like it, don’t you? All that domestic stuff?”

Nodding, Dean replied, “It’s still new to me. It’s interesting, and odd, not to be out hunting anymore.”

“Do you miss it?”

“I’d rather not be getting hurt every hunt, I was getting too old for that shit. Makes me wonder how my dad and Bobby held up for so long.”

“Better not let Bobby hear you call him old,” she warned.

“I know,” Dean smiled for real. “The only childhood I ever had was at his house.”

“Really? What did he do?”

“Took us to the swimming hole, built a snowman, tossed around the ball a little. He gave us space, something we never had on the road.”

“What did you do with your space when you had it?” Lisa asked as Dean sat down on the bed.

“Took long showers, worked on cars and hid from Sam. I’m not too proud of that last one. If I’d have known how much I’d be missing him now, I never would have avoided him back then.”

“There’s no way you could have known.”

“But ditching him isn’t being a good big brother,” Dean’s face turned grim.

“Baby,” Lisa laid her hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch. “You were the best big brother Sam could have had. Most siblings do crave time alone and spend more time apart than you and Sam did. In the regular world, the ties that bind are looser.”

“That’s sad. I mean, with a screwed up life we actually had a better relationship than civilians?”

“In some ways.” Lisa paused as she tried to think of a way to word it. “You blurred the lines between the members of the family. Even though your dad had strict rules, you took on the parent role to Sam every time John left. Yet, you and Sam have always been a team. Your family was close, relationships were strained at times, but there was never any doubt if you’d be there for each other. You had all you needed. When you’re not hunting, letting someone down doesn’t cause someone bodily harm. The stakes aren’t as high and folks accept it more easily.”

“I don’t want us to be like that. Ever. I want to do all I can to make sure we’re a close-knit family.”

“You already do,” Lisa gave him a slow smile. “I feel more grounded when I’m with you. Because of that, Ben feels more secure. And, you’re a great father to him, Dean. Not everyone would be as accepting of a child that wasn’t theirs.”

“I consider him mine because he’s a part of you. That’s enough for me.”

“Which is one of the reasons why I love you. How about a little snuggle before you head out in the cold to take on winter? I’m starting to feel a little lonely here.”

Dean smirked as he moved to crawl over to her. “Can’t have you feeling like that.” He was lying beside her with his fingers framing her face. “You’re much too important and ever feel anything besides wanted and desired.” He skipped kissing her lips and went right to her neck and that secret spot that got her every time.

“I could get used to this,” she moaned.

“You’d better. I’m not going anywhere.” Dean continued his loving assault and together they sank into the bed.


"When do you think the hockey rinks will be ready?" Ben asked excitedly over lunch. "I think my skates from last year will still fit. I wore an extra pair of socks last year, so I'll just get rid of those."

"That's good, Ben. If they hurt your feet let me know right away, okay? I'd rather buy you skates than see you wreck your toes." Lisa was distracted as she scraped her plate.

"Think you can help me practice, Dean?"

Dean coughed and sputtered a little. "Well, Ben, you see . . ." The boy stared at him intently, waiting for him to continue. "I never learned how to skate." He braced himself for some laughter or friendly jabs at his inexperience.

"Cool. I can teach you. We'll have to go when it isn't busy though--"

He's embarrassed to be seen with me, Dean thought. Not even a Dad for a year and he's already ashamed of me.

"--in case you need room to fall. It takes awhile to learn to stop, too. I've taken a couple kids down with me before. Doesn't do much to help popularity, in case you're wondering," Ben smiled.

“Landing on others isn’t much softer than landing on the ice, and the ice doesn’t hold grudges.” Lisa threw her two bits in. “I still have my old pair. We can get Dean set up and then all three of us can go to the rink. It might take two of us to keep him upright.”

“Are you implying that I’m uncoordinated?” Dean laughed. “I’ll have you know that I’m in very good shape.”

“The world is different with blades strapped to your feet,” she chuckled. “But, don’t worry. It will be fun.”

Dean had the feeling that his backside wasn’t going to appreciate the sport of skating.


After lugging the big inner tube up the hill for the tenth time, Dean asked Ben, “You really enjoy this?”

“Yeah!” Ben was dragging a tube of his own. “Don’t you?”

He shrugged, thinking that it was just terribly different from anything he and Sam had done for fun. “Guess I’m just not used to it yet.” Dean looked into the eyes that sparkled with glee, the only part of Ben that he could see with all the winter outer wear. Dean didn’t even want to think about what he looked like. Any cool points that he’d once had were gone. It was okay since Lisa seemed to love him anyway, but it still bothered him sometimes. Seeing Ben so happy, Dean couldn’t help but reply, “I like it better than skating.”

Ben laughed. “You just need practice for that. Tubing doesn’t require much talent.”

“I think that was a slam on my manhood.” Dean mumbled but smiled back at the boy. “You staying warm enough? Or do you want to go in for hot chocolate or cider?”

“Let’s slide some more. I want to try the jump over there before we go.”

Dean gulped as he saw where Ben had pointed. It was a smooth path all the way to the foot of the hill that had it’s own ramp built out of snow. Kids were flying over it, getting thrown from tube and landing back down on them, most of the time. Some of them flew off their tube and landed flat on the frozen ground. He cringed without realizing it.

“I hang on tight, Dean. I’m really careful. Mom always lets me go.”

Even though he had a hard time seeing mama bear Lisa allowing her cub to do what he was watching, he knew Ben would never lie. “Okay. Just before we go you can show me what you can do.” And then we’ll end up in the emergency room, Dean added silently in his head. He thought he’d escaped danger when he quit hunting, but maybe not.

“Did you see me?” Ben ran toward Dean as fast as he could move with all his clothes.

“Sure did, buddy. That was awesome.”

“Next time, you need to try the jump, too.” The boy kept walking past Dean, not noticing the fear on the older man’s face. Suddenly, flying on an airplane sounded safe.


Grumbling and grunting, Dean fought with the sticky tree until he got it inside. Lisa already had a space set up for it. He had to yell for her help when trying to get the trunk into the stand.

“My, Dean. What a beautiful tree! Where did you find it?”

“I cut it down just outside of town.” Dean replied.

“You what?” Lisa was startled to say the least. “Why didn’t you go to the Christmas Tree lot? They already have them cut and bundled for you.”

“I don’t want someone else picking out my tree. Besides, this one is fresher. Who knows when those other ones were cut.”

Lisa let the topic drop and reminded herself to go with Dean to get the tree next year.

He was covered in sweat by the time the tree was in the stand and no longer leaning. Stripped down to his t-shirt, he hunkered over the boxes by Ben. There were ornaments of all shapes and sizes, lights and various other decorations. It looked very complicated and Dean couldn’t see a rhyme or reason or it to be arranged as it was.

“Where do we start?” He asked Ben, who looked like he knew what he was doing.

“Lights go on first. I think we have more buried under these ornaments.”

“Why aren’t the lights on top of the box?”

“Mom has to wrap her precious ornaments separately and refuses to put the lights on top of them.”

“Are they that breakable?”

“She thinks so. Some of them are ugly things I made in school. I don’t know why she keeps them when they’re junk.”

Dean chuckled. “Wrong on that point, Ben. Anything you make is a masterpiece. If I were to make a flop for an ornament, she’d have it in the trash in the blink of an eye.”

“Would not!” Lisa interrupted as she set the mugs of cocoa down. “Anything you made me would be special. I wouldn’t throw it away. It would be nice to have all homemade decorations for the tree one year.”

“Would a string of beer caps count as homemade?” Dean smirked.

“Don’t test me, Dean,” she warned. “We could have them on the tree and just take them off if we got company or took pictures of the tree.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” he put an arm around her neck and pulled her close. “Maybe one day I’ll show you my first sawed-off.”

Their sparkling eyes met and so did their lips.

“Ugh! Yuck! Do you have to do that when I’m in the room?” Ben was grossed out. “Save it for when I’m asleep, gees. You’ll scar my youthful mind.”

When he stopped laughing, Dean asked, “Does that apply to Die Hard, too? I know we said we were going to watch it but there might be some kissing in it and I’d hate to traumatize you any further.”

“Die Hard is fine. All the guns and violence make up for whatever mushy parts they might have.”

“Wait--wait,” Lisa interrupted. “Exactly how violent is this movie?”

“It’s an action film, Lisa. I’ll keep an eye on Ben. If it seems to be too much, we’ll find something else.”

She eyed the guys who were giving her puppy dog eyes. “Oh, alright. Let me make popcorn before you start it and I’ll join you.”

“I thought it was for just us, you know, special.” Ben whispered when Lisa was a safe distance away in the kitchen.

“Do you want to be the one to tell her that? Besides, she’ll probably fall asleep partway through, anyhow. I’ll still fill you in on the weaponry.”

“Okay,” Ben went back to unwrapping and sorting ornaments. “I’m so glad you’re here, Dean. Last year I was stuck watching ‘Frosty the Snowman’ and ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’.”

“Hey, don’t knock them.” Dean bumped shoulders with the boy. “But, you’re right. ‘Die Hard’ is so much better.”

Later on, the three of them sat on the couch and, as predicted, Lisa fell asleep. Dean pulled the blanket over her as she slept against him. She slept through the rest of the excitement.

After the movie, Dean and Ben returned to decorating the tree while Lisa was still out.

“How long do you usually keep the tree up?”

“Until after New Year’s. It might just depend on how long this tree lasts.”

Dean scoffed. “What? I picked a good one.”

“I know. Still, they don’t last forever. Once all the needles are gone, it’s over.”


There were hectic days shopping for gifts while fighting through crowds of crazy people. Dean got edgy in crowds that big but Lisa had a great idea for a present for Ben and they had to get one before it sold out.

“The rest of the gifts are at home and need to be wrapped.” Lisa told him.

“This is a year of many firsts for me. Can’t say I have wrapped more than two or three gifts a Christmas in my life. Looks like Ben could almost start his own toy store.”

“What?” She smiled at him. “He’s not spoiled, he’s just well-loved.”

“Sure,” Dean agreed. “I have a hard time saying ‘no’ to him, too. He’s a wonderful kid.”

“I’m looking forward to it being the three of us this year.”

“Yeah, me, too,” Dean said but his mind and heart were miles away. There should have been four of them together at Christmas. Sam was supposed to be there, not in the pit.


On Christmas Eve, businesses closed early. Ben dressed up in a button-down shirt and Lisa had a dress. Dean wore his best pair of jeans and a shirt Lisa had given him as an early gift. They went to the afternoon Christmas Eve service.

Dean squirmed on the pew. He was feeling warm and out of place. He was itching and it had nothing to do with the new shirt. Being in a church made his skin crawl. After all he’d been through, he didn’t feel as though he belonged there. He’d mentioned the same to Lisa in bed the night before. Lisa had assured him that their church welcomed everyone and that he was a very good person--a hero.

He held the hymnal he shared with Lisa and stumbled across words that he didn’t know. He saw all the other families packed in the pews and realized that he wasn’t an intruder. He was there with a family of his own. They belonged, and by extension, so did he.

The roads were snowy and icy, as they tend to be over the holidays. Lisa held on to Dean’s arm as she walked in her high heels to the Impala. After she was in, he closed her door before going around to his side.

On the way home, Dean drove extra careful but he was lost in his mind. There had been other Christmases that included snowball fights and Christmas specials. Sammy had a place in those memories. When Christmas had graduated to oil, candy bars, shaving cream and porn, Sammy belonged there, too. The present holiday had no little brother in it, and neither would the next one.

Lisa noticed the change in Dean’s mood as soon as they returned home. She’d known that it would be hard on Dean but he’d seemed to be handling the holidays so well. He’d been active with Ben and his winter activities. He even sang a little at church. She’d thought it was going better. She wondered if the surprise she had or him was such a great idea. It was too late to go back now.

“Can we open presents?” Ben asked as soon as they were inside.

“One. You can open one. The rest have to be saved until Christmas.”

“Okay,” he grumbled and ran or the biggest package. He ripped it open and liked what he found inside. It was one of the several toys that Lisa had stashed away over the year. “Cool! I love it!” With that, he was out of the room and up the stairs.

“If he’s this excited tonight, what’s tomorrow going to be like?”


Dean smiled. “What do we have left to do?”

“After he’s asleep, you’ll eat the cookies he leaves out for Santa and bring in the other gifts that we bought.”

“I get to be Santa?”

“Yep.” Lisa grinned wide. “I even got a tiny Mrs. Claus outfit for me and a Santa hat for you for later on.”

Dean raised his eyebrows. “I don’t remember that being in ‘The Night Before Christmas’.”

Lisa gave him a hug and kissed him. “It’s in my adult version.”

“Hmm,” Dean’s eyes sparkled as he thought of the night ahead of him.

“First things first, though. Cookies and Christmas stockings. After Ben’s crashed and we put the new presents out, it’s just you and me until Christmas morning.”

“I like that idea.”

“Thought you might.”

Ben came down when Lisa called for him. They took a plate and put a variety of cookies on it. They placed the dish and a glass of milk on the end table by the front door. Ben dug in one of the Christmas decoration boxes that had been set aside and pulled out his and Lisa’s stockings.

“We forgot to get you one!” Ben apologized, “Maybe a store is still open --”

“I’ve got it,” Lisa came into the living room carrying a gift bag. “I’ve got it covered. Ben, hang ours up for us, okay?” While Ben was occupied, Lisa gave the bag to Dean. “Open it.”

Dean put his hand on it and Lisa covered it with hers. “I really hope you like it.” She bit her bottom lip and looked at him.

“I’m sure I will,” he flashed Lisa a smile to reassure her. When he withdrew his hand, he held some folded material. He unfolded it and gasped. It was a homemade Christmas stocking with his name on it. He’d never had his own stocking.

“Is it okay?”

“It’s wonderful, Lisa! You made this?”

She nodded.

“It must have taken so much time.”

“It was for a special person,” Lisa smiled. “There’s more.”

Dean reached back into the bag and there was more material. When he opened it, it was a Christmas stocking with ‘Sammy’ on it. Dean didn’t know what to say. He was too choked up.

“I know his name was Sam,” Lisa explained, “But when you tell stories, you call him Sammy and get a certain look in your eye. I wanted you to have him close on Christmas.”

Dean’s eyes watered.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No,” he wiped his tear away. “You did everything right.”

Lisa looked at him and laid her hand upon his cheek. He pulled her close and kissed her.

“You’ve given me so much,” his voice was cracking. “There’s no way you can know how much the things you’ve done mean to me.”

“You’d do the same for me.” Lisa whispered, “I’m going to be here until the end of time. You’ll never be alone again.”

Four stockings hung on the mantle. They were for a boy growing up, his mother, the man she loved, and the spirit of a man missed by all.

Title: Stargazing
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 3-sky

"This is so peaceful." Sam said as he relaxed against Dean in the front seat of the Impala. It was cold outside and the stars twinkled in the black sky. The chill had started to seep into the car. Sam tugged Dean's arms around him, thankful for the extra warmth. The leather of Dean's jacket creaked as Sam laid his face on Dean's shoulder. He inhaled all the scents that equaled home to him -- gun oil, sweat, and that little smell that was just dean.

"It is pretty," Dean agreed as he held his brother closer. He'd held his brother in his arms his whole life. As Sam had grown, Dean had to adjust his arms but always made sure they were available if Sam needed them around him. He'd protect Sam from anything supernatural or real.

Sam's breath on Dean's neck caused Dean's eyelashes to flutter as Sam's actions caused a warming inside his gut.

"Each one of those stars we see had probably already burned themselves out in the time it took the light to reach the earth."

"Geek," Dean said fondly. "Did you take astrology in college?"

"Nope. Just picked it up from somewhere. Kind of like how we learn our hunting skills."

Dean scoffed. "Seems like we're always flying by the seat of our pants."

"I'm fine with that as long as you're flying with me."

Kissing Sam's temple, Dean whispered, "Always."

Title: Seduced by Sleighbells
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 6 - seize the day

The bells rang at the steady pace of the horses’ trot as they pulled the sleigh.

“Are you sure there’s something going on in those stables?” Sam asked as his breath fogged in front of his face.

“Six people dead, dude. I know horses have hooves, but these guys were stabbed. And horses aren’t unicorns.”

They watched the group on the hayride scamper down to the ground and race to the shack that had hot chocolate and cider. There was a line and the sleigh filled up again. A whistle from the driver and the Clydesdales were off.

“So do we just wait until the rides are done and everyone is at home or do you think we could scout the barn out while the driver is occupied?”

“I’m freezing. I’d like a peek in that barn.”

The building wasn’t heated but at least it was out of the wind. That in itself made it feel much warmer. Sam looked at Dean and his nose was bright red from the cold. He couldn’t help it, he laughed.


“Nothing, Rudolph.”

Dean shot Sam a look.

“It struck me as funny.”

Dean did not smile.

Word didn’t work, so Sam convinced Dean with action. He put his hands on Dean’ s cheeks and kissed his cool lips. His tongue entered the warmth of Dean’s mouth and Dean gripped his shoulders to hold him in place.

“The driver might be done soon,” Sam regretted starting something.

“Don’t care,” Dean replied as he roughly pulled Sam to him. He kissed Sam breathless.

Hands wandered over their clothing and migrated to their hips. Dean slid his hand down the back of Sam’s loose fitting jeans. His chilly fingers made Sam gasp when they found his hole. They were so close together, they were breathing the same air.

“What’s going on down there!” a harsh voice sliced through the night.

Their moment was ruined and it was time to get back to work.

Title: Jeff Foxworthy Song
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 50-murmur

“What are you singing?” Sam looked up from the computer when Dean walked in the door.

“Some Jeff Foxworthy Christmas song,” Dean replied as he bent to untie his boots. “The Ten Days of Christmas?”

“Twelve Days of Christmas,” Sam corrected. “There’s also that Ten Point Buck song.”

“Yeah, must have combined the two. They had the Christmas one on the jukebox at the bar.”

“They did?”

“Yep. Just shows how far away from civilization we really are. Got that tune stuck in my head now.”

“It was a funny video.”

Dean scrunched his eyebrows together. “I don’t think I remember that one.”

“You probably haven’t seen it. It’s not on the porn network.”

Boots off, Dean sighed as he slouched back in the chair. “Just having the song in my brain is bad enough. Don’t think I need any visuals.”

“Poor Dean,” Sam went to stand behind Dean. He rubbed his brother’s shoulders and kissed his head. “Did the rednecks traumatize you?” he teased.

“I can bring you back there.”

“No, I was waiting for you to return. Had some plans of my own I thought you’d want to follow through on.”

“What plans?”

“Well, it starts like,” Sam gave Dean a kiss, “this, and then goes on from there.”

“I think I like that plan.”

“I knew you would.” Sam smirked as he led Dean to the bed.

Title: Holiday Mischief
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 60 - bright

“You’re evil! Just plain evil!”

Laughing, Dean followed Sam into their room. “I am not.”

“Then why’d you tell that kid to go pull on Santa’s beard?”

“I wanted to see if he’d actually do it.”

“What possessed you to dare a little kid? That mall Santa isn’t very happy with you. It’s a good thing we didn’t need anything else because there’s no way we could have stuck around with his beard hanging off him the way it did. Do you realize you just wrecked Santa Claus for the rest of those children in line?”

“I did not. They’re smart enough to know that the santas they see at the stores are just Santa’s helpers. There’s only one Santa, after all. They had half a dozen at that damn mall. If anyone wrecked their belief in Santa, it was whoever hired all those guys without checking with the other stores.”

“What made you pick that particular santa, then? Like you said, there were plenty others.”

“He just rubbed me the wrong way.” Dean grinned deviously at Sam, “I got us something, though.”

“What?” Sam wasn’t totally sure he wanted to know.

“I got you a Santa hat,” Dean whipped the fuzzy thing from behind his back.


“So you can wear it in the bedroom.” Sam just about asked another question before Dean continued, “With nothing else. You naked in this hat is something I can believe in.”

Sam sank into Dean’s arms. “Me, too.”

Title: No Strings Attached
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean/Bela
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 58 - enemy gate

Dean walked into the room he'd left Bela in when he'd went to find the Hand of Glory. "Bela?" She wasn't in the main part of the room. There was a small room off to the side. Dean knocked and opened the door, "Bela."

"Dean." Her tone made him look twice. Her black dress was thrown on the floor. The window of the bathroom they were in was cracked open. She had a cigarette dangling between her fingers. "Did you find it?"

"Of course I did." He showed her the item he had wrapped in the small cloth and then put it back in his tuxedo jacket pocket. "I'm keeping it, too. You're not getting your hands on this one."

"Like I'd even want the damned thing," she replied. "You and Sam can handle it from here, yeah? You're going to save the day?"

Not liking her tone, Dean just nodded.

"So why would I need it? The only loose end I have to tie up is Gert. Then, I'm out of here." She exhaled and blew smoke circles.

"You don't need anything else before you go?" Dean smirked.

"You know what I want. The question is, are you man enough to be with me?" her face mirrored his.

Dean stripped his clothes off quickly. He made sure that he still had the hand and that it was safely tucked away before putting his jacket on the floor. Naked, he said, "The correct question is, can you handle me?"

Bela stayed perched on the edge of the bathroom sink. Her cigarette hung limply between her fingers. When Dean was close enough, she reached around and dug her nails into the side of his ass. She flicked some ash from her smoke on the floor before taking a long drag. "Always wondered what you looked like under layer upon layer of clothes."

"You could have just asked."

Her eyes sparkled. She snubbed out the cigarette on the porcelain sink and dropped it near the drain. With her recently freed up hand, she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer as she slid off the sink to stand.

Dean's hands moved down the sides of her slip until he reached the hem. Inching the fabric up, he felt her bare thighs under her garter belt. A little further up, she was bare.

"No panties?"

"Nope. They just get in the way." She devoured his mouth as his fingers groped and probed to gain access to her most intimate place. He touched her sensitive nub which made her gasp. She moved her hand down to stroke him as he eased her into a wider stance.

There were no soft kisses or words of endearment. She just worked him to completion as he added to the fingers that he opened her with. She began to pant and whine as he slid into her core until the spasms took over.

When it was over, they dressed and left as if nothing had ever happened.

#06: seize the day, #40: comedy of errors, #03: sky, #49: adore, #58: enemy gate, #55: landslide, fandom: supernatural, #50: murmur, #60: bright

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