[5sentence_fics] Drabble | RukixAoi | Table 4 | Prompts 06 - 10

Jan 10, 2010 11:21

5 sentences drabbles
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: RukiXAoi
Warnings: Probable typos, grammatical errors and such
Disclaimers: They're not mine... yet *insert evil plans here*
Comments: Second installment for 5sentence_fics, prompts 06 to 10. My brain hasn't been working too optimally, too much shit to deal with, so it took me a while to do these... However I kinda love how some of this turned out. Tell me what you guys think, 'k?

Table / Prompt: 4 / 06 - Silver and Gold
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, fluff
Summary: So, how was it that he was still here?
( 06 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 07 - Too Good To Be True
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, angst
Summary: It was the last cigarette he had had.
( 07 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 08 - Tangled and Dark
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, angst
Summary: If he was allowed to choose, Ruki wanted to remember only the good times in his life.
( 08 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 09 - Best Served Cold
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, smut
Summary: He watched in avid fascination as the white, viscous fluid trickle down Aoi’s skin.
( 09 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 10 - Running on Empty
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, angst
Summary: Right now, I can’t help but to make analogies between the smoke that is coming from my cigarette and us.
( 10 )

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