[5sentence_fics] Drabble | RukixAoi | Table 4 | Prompts 01 - 05

Jan 02, 2010 10:27

[Table 4] 5 sentences drabbles
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: RukiXAoi
Warnings: Probable typos, grammatical errors and such
Disclaimers: They're not mine... yet *insert evil plans here*
Comments: First of all: Happy New Year! ^^ So, this is the first batch from table 4 at 5sentence_fics, it’s just something I needed to do in order to relieve me from my writer’s block. As you can see, I’m spoiling my OTP yet again *laughs* Alright, more notes below and I hope you enjoy these! :D

Table / Prompt: 4 / 01 - Goodbye
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, romance
Summary: The word had long resided on the tip of his tongue, unspoken and undelivered.
( 01 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 02 - Sundown
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, romance, fluff
Summary: They intended to be home by sundown and nearly didn’t make it.
( 02 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 03 - Blue Skies
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, fluff
Summary: The color seeped into his retinas as he tipped his sight toward the skies above him.
( 03 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 04 - Broken Wing
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, romance
Summary: Life is all about facts.
( 04 )

Table / Prompt: 4 / 05 - High Octane
Rating: R
Genre: Smut, romance
Summary: You’ve got me clinging on you for my dear life.
( 05 )

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