[Table three] [Final Fantasy XII] [Balthier/Basch]

Apr 11, 2007 01:44

Title: Chance Meeting, Time's Changes, The End, Tease, Meaning
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Balthier/Basch
Table/Theme: III, 21-25
Rating: G-PG
Word Count: 114, 115, 144, 89, 141
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Squeenix owns the Final Fantasy series and all characters contained within.

21 -- A matter of luck -- Chance Meeting

"I know you would have it so that this meeting is entirely by accident," Balthier says, lightly, his eyebrows raised at Basch, "but Nono already told me you met and that you asked about what I would be doing here in Archades."

"My attempt at subtlety failed, then, I see," Basch says, sounding mostly unperturbed by that idea. Balthier stretches a little, taking a sip of his drink without taking his eyes from Basch's face.

"It would seem so," he agrees, "which leaves me to wonder what you would want from me."

"That is something perhaps better discussed elsewhere," Basch says, and Balthier would swear he even looks as if he might be blushing.

22 -- Major renovation -- Time's Changes

"It's been a while," Basch says, shifting his weight awkwardly as if he still isn't used to the weight of his armour and the burdens he took up with it: the metal clinks faintly as he moves. Balthier eyes him carefully, not sure how he feels about this -- noting how Basch seems to have embraced as much of his brother as possible, from appearance to armour to stance.

"It has," he agrees, "and you've changed, my friend."

"Time never stands still," Basch says, as if in agreement.

Balthier lifts his shoulders in a shrug, feigning disinterest -- but something bothers him about the way Basch seems to be more his brother now than himself.

23 -- Exit the dragon -- The End

It marks the end, really, putting on Noah's armour and taking on his role. It marks the end of the time where he was fighting for his life and Ashe's, where a silly passing relationship with a sky pirate wasn't a problem. He's not sure if it would be a problem now -- but he's glad to see the end of it, knowing that even should he and Balthier meet again, things between them have moved on now.

He's sure he's only focusing on why it's a good thing because he doesn't want to think of what he's lost -- Balthier's mocking little jibes and comments that often made him laugh, seeing Balthier's face early on a morning when he was grumpy, having Balthier touching him, knowing what he wanted. But he's trying not to dwell on any of that.

24 -- Blotting paper -- Tease

"If you stop doing that for a while, I could make it worth your while," Balthier says, somewhere close to his ear, his tone very meaningful. Basch has to swallow hard before answering, leaning over the letter he's trying to write and soaking up excess ink with blotting paper.

"Balthier!" he says, when he's sure he's not going to squeak or anything equally undignified.

"What, did I say something?"

Basch looks up at him, weighing his options, biting his lip hard -- "You're a horrible tease, Balthier."

25 -- Drawing the line -- Meaning

"I can not do this anymore, Balthier," Basch says, seriously: it is a speech he's rehearsed since he realised that he's getting in too deep into this considering how little it must mean to Balthier, since he realised that this might well distract him from his real calling. The sky pirate raises an eyebrow at him, almost as if he's amused by the whole idea of Basch breaking it off between them, and that prompts Basch to plough on: "I will not have a meaningless relationship like this."

"So you want it to be meaningful?" Balthier asks, musingly. Basch manages a nod, and then Balthier smirks up at him. "Well, then, let us break off this meaningless relationship and have a meaningful one -- I am no more a fan of wasting my time than you are."

table three, ffxii

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