[Table one] [Original (Little Red Death)] [Paxton and Ramses]

Oct 28, 2006 00:29

Fandom: Original (Little Red Death)
Author: Mystic Blue
Pairing: Paxton and Ramses
Table/Theme: Table 1, themes 14, 7, 1, 4, 5
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Broken boys playing at being gods.
Disclaimer: I actually do own these guys and I'm quite proud of them. No takey my toys, please.

All relevant backstory can be found here.

#14- Stay with me
It’s been twenty-seven months, ten days, four hours and a handful of minutes since Aracynth left.

They’re lying on their backs on the side of the road between Rameel and Bourgen in the hot, sticky summer sun and neither one of them is inclined to move.
Ramses’s mind has been working all afternoon and when he snaps his fingers and says, “Aha!” Pax looks at him and frowns.

“I know what we need: something, someone, whatever, that can make us sad when we’re happy, happy when we’re sad, but still not flip-flop us,” Ramses knows he’s grinning madly, but there’s a spark of interest in Pax’s eyes that says he agrees and before they know it, they’re discussing it like it’s possible.

When they finally find Snow and she agrees to stay like it was a bygone conclusion, they know they’ve got their someone.

#07 Two-Part Harmony
There’s the space of a few hours when they’re the same, neither truly happy nor truly sad. Ramses cherishes those times the most, even though he’s losing Laughter or his brother’s gaining Grief. They can sit together in asort of neutral silence, shoulders bumping shoulders, hands brushing knees. The two of them understand each other perfectly and that’s all that has kept themgoing after all this time. He keeps meaning to write a ballad, something thatwill capture their shared sadness and joy, but somehow, he can’t do it by himself.

#01 - Melts in the mouth
The sweetcakes in Rameel are to die for.

“Try this, try this,” Paxton pushes one at Ramses, who pushes it away and looks at him dismally.

“I don’t like the icing,” his brother replies, still blinking sleepily.

Paxton’s been up all night, eating sweetcakes and stealing sweeter kisses from a raven-haired girl, so he’s not tired. “I’m only trying to share with you the good things I have,” he says but Ramses just puts his head down on his arms at the bar and goes back to sleep.

#04 - Measure of a man
“That’s forty-five, fifty-five, sixty-five drenocs,” Ramses carefully counts the money into the hand of the man who owns the boarding house.

The man counts it himself before nodding, “Upstairs, second door on the left.”

Ramses doesn’t bother to thank him, just pulls Paxton to his feet and hauls him up the stairs.

“Sometimes I think that the glad and the sad just don’t balance each other out anymore, Ramses,” Paxton says as his brother slips him between the covers.

“I don’t think they ever did,” Ramses says softly, then leaves to sing for their supper.

#05 - Death and taxes
Renfei is behind the unlocked door Paxton jerks open in the adjacent building behind the bar. The bar they did not steal from, just for the record.

Paxton is about to explain that, but Renfei doesn’t give him the time, just pins them both with a glare and says, “You have not attended an official meeting in almost a decade and I am here to make sure you do now.” Ramses looks relieved and Pax is about to argue, but Renfei doesn’t let him, continuing with, “It was inevitable that you would require such supervision and I will return you to the authorities for your proper punishment when the meeting has adjourned.”

Paxton would, right now, accept any punishment and pay any fine to get out of this “inevitable” meeting.

table one, ramses, original, paxton

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