[Table one] [Original (Little Red Death)] [Paxton and Ramses]

Oct 09, 2006 22:52

Fandom: Original (Little Red Death)
Author: Mystic Blue
Pairing: Paxton and Ramses (not slashed, alas, just brothers)
Table/Theme: Table 1, themes 10, 19, 9, 16, 25
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Broken boys playing at being gods.
Disclaimer: I actually do own these guys and I'm quite proud of them. No takey my toys, please.

All relevant backstory can be found here.

#10 - Morning Dip
The day before everything changed, they went swimming twice: once before their mother came to find them for breakfast, a second time in the heat of the afternoon.

This is truly the happiest I’ve ever been, Pax, his brother’s mind echoes to him over the distance between the middle of the river and the diving board.

Paxton smiles, Glad I’ve made your day, chappy, now watch my bellyflop!

The next day, a man will come through town and they will help him. The next day, pleasure will become as much the enemy as pain.

#19 - Just the Beginning
They’re Laughter and Grief, she’s been told, but those aren’t the names they call each other, just the functions they fulfill. “Keep them safe and sane for a while,” Renfei tells her and Aracynth squints at the two blond boys at her kitchen table, young, but not children, “And don’t worry over their moods; though they must stay at opposite poles of emotion, they change places every few days.”
“Isn’t that,” Aracynth searches for the words to describe that kind of horror, “sort of like torture.”
“They chose it,” Renfei replies, walking out like that’s a real balance instead of a huge burden for two kids who should be thinking about getting married and starting families.
Aracynth wonders then, as she does for the rest of her days, why they chose this, but wanders into the kitchen with a smile and places a hand on each of their shoulders, “Good mornin’ boys, I’m Aracynth and I’m here to be your guide.”

#09 Total Eclipse
“The moon goes dark once a month, Ramses,” Paxton complains as they climb the stairs to the top of Aracynth’s little cottage, opening a hinged door in the attic to scramble onto the pitch of the roof.

“Yes, but this is different,” and to his brother, it is.

Aracynth comes up after, bearing a plate of her endless cookies and a smile.

“It’s unique and special and I want to share it with you,” Ramses replies to his silence and when Paxton finally looks up from nibbling on his cookie, his brother’s eyes are fixed on the moon, expression serene and delighted. Seeing the reality of Ramses so very happy loosens the tightness of grief in Paxton’s chest, but he doesn’t let that pleasure stay; if he did, Ramses wouldn’t stay smiling.

#16 - Crazy Like a Fox
Aracynth just seems to like to cause trouble.

“C’mon, boys, this looks like a nice place,” she says as the three of them enter a small tavern in a mid-sized village. They’re running out again ten minutes later, one of her former lovers on their heels along with at least three-quarters of the patrons.

As they leave the village behind, Ramses holding up Pax, who’s too tired, depressed, and sour today to do much running, she turns to them and wiggles a jingling coin purse in her hand.

“See, told you it was a nice place.”

#25 - You've Got a Friend
She’s being called back and both boys are almost in tears, but Paxton keeps doing this strangled giggle in the middle that’s very unnerving and so Aracynth wraps her arms around them and holds them tight. They’ve been her partners in crime, her accomplices, her allies, her buddies, for over two hundred years.

But now there’s another new god who needs to learn the ropes - when did she become the designated greeter of the gods? - and they won’t pick someone else for the job, no matter how much she yells and screams.

“Just remember,” she whispers into two blond heads, long hair and short, “I’m here for you, even if you just need a reminder that we aren’t all assholes.”
They nod and she leaves, cursing herself a fool: she should have told them they are her friends, first, last, and always.
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