[Table One] [Gundam Wing] [Zechs Merquise]

Jun 19, 2006 00:59

Title: Character Study part. 6
Author: lil_1337
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Gen with hints of 6x9
Table/Theme: Table one, themes 6-10
Rating: G
Word Count:
Warnings:angst, humor and sap.
Disclaimer: Its a bit difficult to claim ownership of a man who doesn't even know who he is.
Beta: Thanks to darthanne

#06 - Pushing forty

The day Zechs arrived at Preventers to sign his official paperwork, Lady Une called him into her office and they discussed the career path he wanted to take. Where he saw himself in five or ten years. With a somewhat chagrined smile, he had to admit that he hadn't really thought much beyond the desire to return to Earth since he longer felt he belonged on Mars. He was rather surprised when she leaned back in her chair and informed him that, frankly from what she'd seen, he seemed to be searching for something in the way he moved from group to group a part and yet separate. When she asked him if he thought that Preventers was where he would be when he was pushing forty, he just smiled and said he hoped so.

#07 - Two-part harmony

When Zechs looks back over his life there have been two people who were the most responsible for shaping who he is today. Molding him through their joint influences. Treize, a strong force who pushed him on, making his vision Zechs' through friendship and mentoring. Noin was always there in the background, a solid presence who supported him, raising him up by letting him stand on her shoulders. Together, they danced a two-part harmony that made up the soundtrack of his life.

#08 - Almost too late

The greatest regret of Zechs' life is not that he almost destroyed the Earth, but something much more personal. The way he pushed Noin away and allowed her to think he was dead after the first eve war, even though she told him she always knew he had survived. He cringes in retrospect that she had faith in him even when his faith in himself faltered and died. When they reunited after the second eve war, he wondered if it was too late to rebuild the relationship they'd had. She set his mind at ease by putting a hand on his shoulder and telling him she was not going to let him get away again.

#09 - Total eclipse

With the death of his parents and the destruction of the Sanq kingdom, Milliardo Peacecraft ceased to exist. With his death the catalysis for the birth of Zech Merquise, the man would be able avenge the great wrongs done to Milliardo. For years the need to get revenge eclipsed any other need or want and became the focal point of his existence. With that accomplished, Zechs realized that he had eliminated his reason for existence and lost the purpose in his life. He had expected to feel a sense of accomplishment or justice, but instead he was just empty and devoid of direction.

#10 - Morning dip

Zechs has never particularly liked or disliked mornings, unlike some of the people he has known, adjusting without much difficulty to whatever schedule he was given. When he was at Lake Victoria Academy, he would get up an hour before the rest of the cadets were rousted out of bed and go for a swim in the lake. It was his time to mentally prepare for the tasks of the day. He found that, while he was on Mars one of the things he missed most, besides a good bottle of wine, was being able to swim. His current apartment is almost an hour's drive from Preventer's headquarters in rush hour traffic, but the large pool and private balcony make it worth the trip.

gundam wing, table one, zechs

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