[Table Four] [Tomorrow People] [ Kevin Wilson/Alex MacDonald]

Jun 19, 2006 00:03

Title: Finding A Way
Author: Anne
Fandom: New Series Tomorrow People - Tears in Heaven universe
Pairing: Kevin Wilson/Alex MacDonald
Table Four, Themes 1-5
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Angst, sap, romance
Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People belong to Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV television. I promise to return the characters in one piece, more or less, when I'm finished, but hold no liability for any physical injury or psychological trauma sustained by them in my fiction. Alex belongs to Kevin and he's very possessive and overprotective so don't touch or even think about it.

#01 - Goodbye
One of Kevin's fears is of being rejected because he has failed. His family rejected him because he failed them as a son, and couldn't live up to their expectations. He has already failed Alex because he promised to keep him safe and couldn't. While Alex has reassured him many times that he would never leave, not matter what, and that Kevin is not a failure, it does not stop Kevin's fears completely, but merely holds them at bay, even though he does believe his husband when he says he will not leave. On those occasions when Kevin's fears are triggered, Alex holds him and repeats his vow over and over both aloud and telepathically for ever long it takes.

#02 - Sundown
Alex's mother had always said that in a relationship it was important to reconcile any arguments before the sun went down and although she does not approve of their relationship, he has always thought the advice was sound. He and Kevin rarely fight but when they do, it is very loud and either or both will lose their temper. Often there is slamming of doors or one of them will port to the island before words are said that will later be regretted. Both are very stubborn, but usually the act of leaving triggers the initial steps into trying to find a compromise. The thought of not being together, or being able to sleep without being close both physically and telepathically is frightening and whatever the argument was about pales into insignificance beside it.

#03 - Blue Skies
The beach by the ship is very peaceful, and when Alex was at uni he often came there to study. It was somewhere he found he could focus and ignore everything else. He particularly enjoyed it in winter, a place to escape the cold while he still lived in New Zealand, and after he had moved to Colorado to be with Kevin. But his favourite memories are of him and Kevin making love on that same beach, blue skies above and the warm sand beneath them. And of Kevin whispering 'more' as they lay together naked in the sun, wrapped around each other both physically and telepathically.

#04 - Broken Wing
When Alex was a child his brother, Jamie, found a Tui under the large Pohutakawa tree in their back garden. With much care, the bird was nursed back to health, its broken wing finally healed and set free in a local wildlife sanctuary. Often, while cradling Kevin when he is upset, Alex is reminded of that memory. Like the bird, Kevin is healing so that he will be free, his wings broken by what his parents did to him. But, despite his hopes to the contrary, Alex fears that Kevin's healing may take a lifetime.

#05 - High Octane
Breaking out at nearly sixteen, Alex already had his learners permit and had begun taking driving lessons. His brother, Andrew, couldn't figure out why Alex was so very determined to continue with those lessons once he had learnt to teleport, reminding him of the money he could save on petrol and car maintenance, especially with rising costs. Alex just shook his head and changed the subject, not wanting to admit that although he could teleport he was finding it difficult to master the ability, and that at least if he could drive, it would be something he could do right. The financial cost was not important when compared to the sense of achievement and independence that he so desperately needed. Years later, driving his and Kevin's blazer around Colorado, he remembers his brother's words, and although he does now have the option to teleport, the journey itself is a reminder that often it is not mastering a skill which is the achievement, but the route he's taken through life to do so.

alex, table four, kevin, tomorrow people

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