This is absolutely ridiculous. In case you have not heard, over the weekend a 64-year-old black man was beaten by 2 police officers and 2 other men, presumably federal officers of some sort. The reason? Public intoxication, a questionable "resisting arrest" charge, another questionable "battery on a police officer" charge and what the police call "public intimidation". This was all caught on video by an AP crew, however an officer on horseback attempts to block the camera while the police are repeatedly punching the man's head into a wall. As if this isn't bad enough, one of the officers violently threatens the AP producer. After all this, the suspect is laying on the ground in handcuffs in a large pool of blood, with one eye swollen shut and many cuts to his face. The department says the actions were not racially motivated. Bullshit. An elderly white man would not be beaten to a bloody pulp by 4 white police officers for public intoxication IN NEW ORLEANS.
Here's the CNN link. The 2:14 length video is the most informative of the situation but is rather graphic.