Apr 30, 2004 13:50
I luv throbbing gristle....
Can you believe the media? Warning parents about raves..HA!
So miss informed! You tell these kids that these are "drug party's" then they will go out searching for drugs instead of experiencing them for the real reason- musik!
Watch out for Vicks,rolling eyes,heavy breathing...know the drugs you take before doing them. People are fucking stupid in this world! A few stupid kids have to fuck everything up for everyone,but that proves my point......They are werking on the RAVE ACT now so .........It is not good. Once you give the government power to tell us that we cant see our favorite artist-dj preform live and dance,then you are allowing them to take any other rights away at that. They like to use" drugs,war or terror as the tactics to get control of the american people....Facists-