Table 50 prompt #4 "blue light blinking' : A Doctor Who drabble

Sep 08, 2013 15:04

Title: A Study in TARDIS Maintenance
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Doctor (any), Companion (any), the TARDIS
Rating: G
Theme: "blue light blinking" from tabel 50 [prompt #04] from 5_prompts
Words: 100
Summary: The TARDIS is about to crash, but he knows what to do, doesn't he?
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Rusty writing skills. Unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue. Characters belong to the BBC, TARDIS is a trademark and I respect that - no infringements were intended - I am merely borrowing them with no harm intended to those concerned. No profit has been gained; no drugs, money, sex or otherwise exchanged hands during the making of this.

table 50, fandom: doctor who

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