Table 50 prompt #01 : "It's For Your Own Good" & Table 50 prompt #05 : "X Marks the Spot"

Sep 08, 2013 10:33

Title: For Your Own Good
Fandom: [BBC] Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock
Rating: G
Theme/prompt: "it's for your own good" from 5_prompts Table 50 prompt #01
Words: 100
Summary: Sherlock reflects on how John did things for his own good, and how it's time for him to return the favour.
Spoilers: Post-Reichenbach
Warnings: Rusty writing skills. Unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue. Characters belong to the BBC, and I am merely borrowing them with no harm intended to those concerned. No profit has been gained; no drugs, money, sex or otherwise exchanged hands during the making of this.

Title: " X marks the spot"
Fandom: DPS (Dead Poet's Society)
Characters: Charlie/Neil
Prompt: X - from stories_a_z & the X in stone picture [theme #05] from table 50 at 5_prompts
Rating: G .
Word Count: 100
Summary: Neil doesn't need an everlasting reminder. He makes one anyway.
Warnings and spoilers: Rusty writing skills. Unbeta'd.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue! Dead Poet's Society and it's characters do not belong to me, and no copyright infringements were intend or harm to the cast the characters they represent. No money, drugs or sex exchanged hands in the completion of this.

table 50, fandom: sherlock holmes bbc

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