You are late-sleepy relaxation, the half-awake moment when you realize it's morning, but you don't have to get up, because there's no place you have to be. You are that cozy spot under the covers where everything feels temporarily perfect, even if you know you'll eventually have to wiggle out and start the day. Maybe you're the artistic type, who doesn't function well on a normal schedule. Sleep's important to you, and you like the freedom of sleeping as late as you want (especially since that is closely related to the freedom to stay up as late as you want). You like to roll out of bed, put on some comfy clothes, and get a laid back start to the day. If not everything on your list gets accomplished, no worries. Your only priority is having no priorities - you just want to take things at a slow, mellow pace.
That is an eerily accurate meme. Maybe that's why all this priority stuff is making me weary. It's messing up my mellow mojo.
Yeah, there be mo' medical woes.
Every day last week I was at a doctor’s office with different family members. Monday and Tuesday, with Mom at the cardiac unit. Wednesday and Friday, with my brother to his regular doctor and a psychiatrist for evaluation. Looks like a physiological issue rather than psychiatric. I think an EEG will be done to evaluate any changes in his brain activity. He’s also experiencing short term memory loss in addition to the paranoia. I’ve been on the phone today regarding his lab work which necessitated a change in his prescriptions for his epilepsy. Thursday was with Dad, who has been having problems with his foot since that fall down a ladder. New X-rays showed a fracture in a bone spur on that foot. I think this was from a second injury to that same foot when he fell down a hill when hunting. He said an elk kicked his friend who bumped into him, causing him to fall down a hill. Say what, Da? Evidently it was a reflex kick by the elk after being slain by the big bad hunters. I probably shouldn’t have found humor in this but I said, “So, a dead elk kicked your friend who in turn knocked you down a hill. That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?” *cough*karma!*cough*
I took some time for myself today and went to the doctor with a low grade fever, hellish headache, and the persistent sinus infection. I had already taken two 10-day rounds of antibiotics in the last month without relief from this same sinus infection. I was prescribed Cipro this time. So far this year, it's been Augmentin, Biaxin, and now Cipro. Evidently I'm working my way through the antibiotics' alphabet.
My uncle's health/situation is somewhat stable, I guess you could say. Not good, but he does have good moments occasionally. When I say good, I mean glimmers of cognizance. The brain cancer has affected him to such a degree, he's not himself anymore. He's not interested in anything or anyone. He's 90 lbs., and someone has to feed him because he's just as likely to stick a fork in his ear as his mouth. When he does try to communicate, nothing makes sense. He gets words jumbled or transposed. He calls his pants his shirt and his shirt his shoes. And that's when the dementia's not a problem. He asks me, "Where's Sherry?" He hasn't really recognized anyone for weeks. He strips his clothes off and says we're freezing him. We cover him up and he says we're smothering him. If he forgets he's eating but realizes something is in his mouth, he'll just spit it out. Everywhere. I've gotten pretty good with defensive maneuvers. He's sort of child-like, except for the cursing. I have never seen anyone in such a state before and I hope I never do again. It's no wonder the entire family is stressed and anxious. Cancer is such an evil entity.
I am tentatively planning to run away from home Thursday for a long weekend. I’m going to Washington, D.C. with some cousins who are running away from Valentine’s Day. Long story. Short story - Road trip! I'm in.
Today I had a lovely spinach salad for lunch with gorgonzola and toasted walnuts. I’m on a spinach kick right now and I’m eating two large bags of it every week. I find myself snacking on it straight from the bag. What a weird thing to be craving.
I bought a new bookshelf this weekend. It didn’t make much of a dent in the stacks of books behind all the doorways and crates of books in my bedroom. My son said maybe I shouldn’t buy any more books until I had bookshelves for the ones I already have. *blinks* I think maybe my child must have been switched at birth with this one.
A sizable tax refund means major home maintenance projects. Woot, new flooring. Damn my practicality. I may want to travel and run away all the time but I need a secure nest for my return home.
My Draco/Hermione-fanfiction-writing cousin is very happy her multi-chaptered fic over at fanfiction.net has now received over 200 reviews. She recently resumed writing it after a post-DH break. She's been using me as a sounding board for canon compliancy and story direction. She's writing a secret D/Hr relationship interwoven into existing canon. Fifteen chapters in, and it's at the time in PoA when Harry and Ron are mad at Hermione for turning in his Firebolt. She's doing a great job writing this. Being a bad boy sympathizer, she's also came up with some interesting twists explaining Lucius and Snape's actions.
Local schools were closed last Friday because of the absenteeism due to illness. Today, school was canceled for the rest of this week. Flu, strep throat, and a stomach virus are making the rounds with a vengeance. Ugh, I'll just stick with this sinus infection.
Tonight's big story on the local news was a report about a counterfeit bill discovered at a business. Just one bill. Just one $1 bill. Yes, welcome to Mayberry. A citizen's arrest has not been made at this time. Just how underachieving would you have to be to counterfeit a $1 bill? That's just embarrassing.
Lately I just want to read and sleep. I'm not getting to do much of either. I really need some relaxation in my life. Hopefully, the D.C. trip will be just the little escape I need.
I remembered a few minutes ago I had three library books which should have been returned today. Thank goodness for online renewal at their website.
Well, I've bored myself. Time for bed now.