Yet another update of family medical woes ...
MOM - Last night I did a middle of the night ER run with Mom. Her blood pressure was erratic, such as one minute being 168/84 and the next minute 94/63. She said she felt funny in the head and was having trouble with her vision and speech. The EKG and CT scan were normal so her heart and brain were fine. The ER doctor recommended getting her to her regular doctor for further testing and evaluation. Mom had extensive stress tests done last fall before her knee replacement surgery so I’m thinking they might now check her carotid artery in her neck. I think it’s stress causing the fluctuation in her BP and maybe a change in her BP meds or the addition of stress/anxiety relief med might help. The clinic was super busy today but we got her an appointment tomorrow morning at 10 am.
UNCLE - Yesterday I was contacted by the nursing home regarding Uncle Clayton’s food intake. He’s only consuming 22% of his food count. The nursing home is trying to work with us on this. We need to keep his intake between 25% and 40% and they won’t push the feeding tube issue for now. It may come to a point where he has to have the tube for nutrition or they won’t keep him at the nursing home. The plan right now is every time a family member visits, we try to get him to eat something. We’ll have snacks there and also, the nursing home keeps sandwiches/snacks prepared. Visitors can ask any of the staff and they will bring food at any time. We need to make sure to tell the staff every time we’re able to get him to eat anything so it can be included in his daily count. I’ve talked to hospice as well and their social worker, nurse, and home care aides will also try to feed him every time they visit. Hopefully, between us all we can keep his food intake above 25% and avoid the feeding tube.
B-I-L - My brother-in-law was admitted to the hospital today with kidney stones. He's been off work the last two weeks while recovering from his arthroscopic knee surgery on Jan. 4th. Hopefully, the IV fluids and meds will help him get rid of the stones. If not, it will be procedure time. I don't think my sister can take much more stress. I made her a doctor's appointment for next week.
And that’s a quick summary of what’s been happening in my world over the last few days. I am on a first name basis with way too many paramedics right now. I'm going to get some much needed sleep now. Maybe I should just sleep in my clothes. Just in case.
Soooooo tired and so much to do.