Jan 07, 2007 20:26
So, last night, before, during and after the purchase of my new greatcoat (the appearance of which I await with trepidation and anticipation. It OUGHT to fit, but I am always wary of internet clothing purchases) I was flying pretty high. Brain going a mile a minute, excited, alive, awake.
God, I love that feeling. Except for one time.
When I'm trying to SLEEP.
I was exhausted prior to my little episode last night. Then, all of a sudden, I was ready to go, ready to MOVE, ready to DO things. Everything made SENSE and I could figure out solutions to problems, and everything was DOABLE.
Except I had to go to bed, but... there was stuff to DO.
I tried to sleep, I really really tried. I had to get up at 7 to work at 8. I knew I had to get some sleep. I lay down, in the dark, I tried imagining stories and things, watching Ghost Machine (it's not the most riveting episode of Torchwood, I figured it was safe in terms of not winding me up MORE), reading a bit. I think, in the end, I might have maybe gotten about two hours of sleep. Maybe. I cover up my clock so I don't freak out about the time, but I know it was at least two hours after I went to bed that I started to doze off. And I didn't go to bed with much time to sleep to begin with.
However, despite being a bit dozy, I made it through the day relatively fine. I was very, very restless and extremely irritable, but my energy levels were okay. I think said episode must have continued through today. I came home and went for a walk. A long walk. A brisk walk. My legs hurt now. But it felt good, burned off some energy. I haven't napped. I do NOT want a repeat of last night's fiasco. The most I can hope for, I think, is that I exhaust myself beyond the point of my brain being too awake to sleep.
Cause seriously, it was like my brain was turned on "high". It was raring to go, even though I was physically tired. I hate that.
I'm pretty sleepy right now, but there's still... there's stuff to DO... I could be DOING things... but I have to try to be, you know, calm. Wind down for the night. Get some sleep, since I work even EARLIER tomorrow, and I have a full day's worth of stuff to do.
At the moment, I'm waiting for the opportunity to log into WoW (my server is full) so I can play myself into a trance.
Hehe. The Cold Case episode with Adam Pascal is on. It's making me want to watch Rent. Like I need to be wound up. I also want to watch Buzzcocks, but that would get me going too, I expect.
Damn it.